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Sort All Activity Chronologically

  • jaco44


    For years, when selecting ‘Show: Comments’, the activity stream on my site would load all activity (BP top-level posts, comments, replies + front page posts & comments) in reverse chronological order with the most recent at the top.
    Recently, when sorting by ‘Show: Commments’, only comments to front page posts are now shown. Not sure if this was a change made by one of the recent updated to BP or some incidental change on my site.
    Please clarify if selecting Comments should load all activity (comments, replies, top-level posts, etc..) in the activity stream & if not, I would greatly appreciate any help on how to return that functionality as it is a critical function for my site. Without it, replies & comments not made right away get buried way down the activity stream.

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  • jaco44


    Bumping to solicit any feedback on this. Google search on this request renders numerous requests for the same functionality from others. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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