Hi lionel @prabin04
no directly the solution, but you asked for code, here it is:
No screenshot ? Anyway, on group activity page, some action to take could be:
$my_fav_count = bp_activity_get_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), 'favorite_count' );
The important thing here is bp_activity_get_meta()
Most of favorite action are related in bp-activity-actions.php, like
$favs = bp_activity_get_user_favorites( bp_displayed_user_id() );
also some in bp-activity-functions.php:659
For other favorite skills, see also
@danbp thanx buddy, i’ll look-into this documentation and will ask you if i have any query..
Thanx again .. 🙂
@danbp, I have an issue..
I have “Most Agreed” option in single group page. but the query is not returning desired value.
can you look into this?
Here’s the Screenshot

and Here’s the code
if( class_exists( 'BP_Group_Extension' ) ) :
class bpgmq_feature_group {
public function __construct() {
private function setup_hooks() {
$bp = buddypress();
add_filter( 'bp_ajax_querystring', 'custom_filter_ajax_querystring' , 999, 2 );
// you need to do it for the group directory
add_action( 'bp_group_activity_filter_options', array( $this, 'agreed_option' ) );
public function agreed_option() {
<option value="featured"><?php _e( 'Most Agreed' ); ?></option>
function custom_filter_ajax_querystring( $querystring, $object ) {
if($object != 'activity' )
return $querystring;
$defaults = array('type'=>'active','action'=> 'active','scope'=> 'all','page'=>1,'order'=>'DESC');
/*if( $bpgmq_querystring['type'] != 'featured' )
return $querystring;*/
$bpgmq_querystring = wp_parse_args( $querystring, $defaults );
if( $bpgmq_querystring['type'] == 'featured' ){
$bpgmq_querystring['meta_query'] = array(array('key'=> 'favorite_count','value'=> 1,'type'=> 'numeric','compare' => '>='));
return apply_filters( 'bpgmq_filter_ajax_querystring', $bpgmq_querystring, $querystring );
function bpgmq_agreed_group() {
if( bp_is_active( 'activity') )
return new bpgmq_feature_group();
add_action( 'bp_init', 'bpgmq_agreed_group' );
Thanx in Advance
Can you explain precisely what you want to do ?
Where is this activity from ['type'] == 'featured'
To use the meta favorite_count
, you need the activity ID
For example:
$my_fav_count = bp_activity_get_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), 'favorite_count' );
Also, please, avoid mention me each time you have an issue, i’m not here for you only. 😉
hi @danbp
Actually, I want to display the “Most Favorited Count” in single activity group page in custom drop-down select option called “Most Agreed”. See Above Images.
['type'] == 'featured'
I wanted to compare option value inside the meta_query
<option value="featured"><?php _e( 'Most Agreed' ); ?></option>
I am not sure if it works. can you debug this for me ? or what code i need to add ?