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Space in Username Causing 404 for Profile Link?

  • @stewarttodd


    My admin username has a space in it, and when i am logged in as the admin and click on the front-end “Profile” link, i get a 404. Same thing for “Settings”
    The URL of the target page for the profile looks like this https://[domain]/directory/Confraria%20Admin/profile/

    I am wondering if the “%20” for the space in the username/URL is causing the problem.

    I logged out and back in as a non-admin account whose username does NOT have a space and the link works properly.
    The URL of the target page looks likw this https://[domain]/directory/stewart_mestre/
    This worked properly for both the Profile and the Settings pages.

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  • @stewarttodd


    Ok i did some additional searching and found some threads from 12 years ago with the same issue. The solution in those threads was “don’t let people use spaces in their usernames.”

    Just wondering if anyone knows if BuddyPress still has this issue or if there is a fix/workaround to allow spaces in usernames.

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