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Spammers jumping register form validations

  • @shendeluth



    The problem is, we are recibing user registration petition with only email without other fields. How is possible if i have a correctly validation fields system? This users are spam in all this special situations. I’m using Stop Spammers antispam plugin and it register this spamer but not block becasue it detects is ok.

    I have a register page customized with another url and blocking acces with usual registration url or usual acces. In this page i’m showing only all required fields from my xprofile fields list.

    I’m using Buddypress 7.3.0 and WordPress 5.7.2.

    Our system works like this:
    If i don’t fill all fields i can’t send this information and it show message error if i don’t fill some fields so form validation is working ok. When some user send this registration form correctly the system send a email with all information to system email and user is stand by to be activated using “user > manage signups” tool. User can be activated only by an administrator user.

    This screenshot shows when is a normal user registration:

    This screenshot shows when is an spamer with only email (it doesn’t show xprofiles fields, when other usual registration petitions show all fields empty or not empty):

    I don’t know why can do this this users I need some help.

    Thank you.

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