Stickies in the support group forums are broken and we have no way to super-sticky them at the very top of the main “Support” or “Community” pages.
When Boone gets a chance to tackle some of the site’s issues, I’ll propose this to him 
I did start something on the current codex:
There’s also the old FAQ thread:
BP codex ninja, @mercime, is working on restructuring the codex here as well:
Needs some eyeballs so feel free to help mercime out.
Most things asked could easily be answered if people would just google before posting. *hint*
cool beans, r-a-y. looks like its got potential
Looking over the site, I think a much needed thing is like ‘basic plugins’ that ppl can build off. Like the one’s @r-a-y has helped me out with. Having a base to work off, would have saved me a ton of time, though through trial and error I learned a lot. I know there is the skeleton component but when I started, it was beyond me ( actually havn’t looked at it since, lol maybe I should? ), having a plugin that already does something, which you can build up makes sense to me. Its late so might now make sense