Take a look at this:
Its a premium plugin though, but it will do the trick. I’m using it myself with success.
That could work for some but each site is pulling the same custom user profile fields. Each site needs different fields.
You set the permissions levels for each site owner/level in it.
See the screen shot below:

This is the default settings which you configure in the network super admin on your multi site.
(Right click the image and open it in a new tab to se it in full size)
If you allow your site admins to control the privacy settings, then they will also have a separate admin menu in their control panel too.. Otherwise you control from your super admin what is allowed or not..
How would this stop custom profile fields from site A showing up on site B? For example, on one site we have a field where the user puts their annual company revenue. We don’t want this to show on the other site/s. We need other questions. I’ve attached a screen shot.

A possible way to achieve what you want.
Networks+ and bp-multi-network
Each network can have absolutely completely separate Activity Streams, Groups, Forums, and sites/blogs as well as separate plugin and theme structures.
I only say MAY because the usermeta is shared and once a user visits another network that user is added to the Members of that network.
However AFAIK users have separate bp-profile data on each network
I fully understand that this may not be exactly what you are looking for but it certainly is a very good start.