Did you enable anonymous posting?
Look at: …/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bbpress > Anonymous posting
btw – this is the BuddyPress support site.
The bbPress support site is here.
No that’s disabled. Sorry I’ll post over there!
Not sure what you mean by ‘comments’.
Did you check your comment settings?
yes I have commenting turned off
The only thing I found is under Activity Stream, maybe that’s letting it thru? I don’t have comment spam anywhere else on the site, just forum topics.
Here is the latest:
You shouldn’t need to disable the activity stream commenting – but try it.
There are several plugins re bbPress spam, such as:
Akismet should help get most blog comment spam , and it also has integration with both BuddyPress and bbPress.
I have spam plug ins working and that keeps the spam registrations to a minimum. I don’t see blog comment spam either as I have that all turned off. These are forum posts and definitely not blog posts.
I’ll try Akismet
9 years, 8 months ago
I don’t have too big of an issue with registration spam and I manually activate users. My issue is anonymous spam comments on my forum posts. All the plugins I see are for registration. Is there some way I can stop the spam on my forum?