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Template modification not shown on website

  • @ajitjohnson


    Hello there, I have been trying and researching about this for over a week and haven’t been able to figure it out. Any help is much appreciated.

    So here is the problem: Any changes that I make to the template files are not mirrored on the site.

    What have I have already tried? I hope I have done all the basics correctly.
    1. I have a child theme.
    2. I have copied the files from: plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress… into my child theme. (so my file structure looks like childtheme/buddypress/members/….(everything inside).
    3. I am able to style the profile pages using CSS (I add them in my child theme stylesheet.css)

    What I am not able to do: Any changes I make to the template files are not visible on the website. Let me give an example.

    Say I wanted to remove my name (@ajitjohnson) from the profile page.

    I locate the header php file, so that is now located at childtheme/buddypress/members/single/member-header.php

    Now I remove the following lines,
    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘activity’ ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
    <h2 class=”user-nicename”>@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></h2>
    <?php endif; ?>

    I would imagine it should remove my name from the profile page but it doesn’t. May be something else is overriding it?

    I have also tried editing the core template files without adding them to the child theme. It still doesn’t work.

    Please help. Thank you.

    Ps: WordPress version 4.8.1, buddypress version: 2.9, theme: _tk (basic bootstrap theme that I have customised)

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  • @r-a-y


    Try cover-image-header.php instead since a default install will have cover images enabled.



    Wow. You are a saviour. Works perfectly. Thank you very much.

    Is there a way (or documentation) to figure out which file to edit for altering various parts of the template?

    Thank you.



    What would you need specific documentation for?

    I would just recommend doing a file search within the /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/ folder for certain things that you need to modify.

    That way, you’ll be able to know what file to edit for template mods.



    Thanks @r-a-y

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