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How update default emal preference code ?

  • @website001


    Hello friends

    Got this code from buddydev website

    for theme functions php

    works, but newer versions of buddypress have
    5 group options. This code covers 4.

    add_action( ‘bp_core_activated_user’,


    function bpdev_set_email_notifications_preference( $user_id ) {

    //I am putting all the notifications to no by default
    //you can set the value to ‘yes’ if you want that notification to be enabled.
    $settings_keys = array(
    ‘notification_activity_new_mention’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_activity_new_reply’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_friends_friendship_request’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_friends_friendship_accepted’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_groups_invite’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_groups_group_updated’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_groups_admin_promotion’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_groups_membership_request’ => ‘no’,
    ‘notification_messages_new_message’ => ‘no’,

    foreach( $settings_keys as $setting => $preference ) {

    bp_update_user_meta( $user_id, $setting, $preference );

    //that’s it. have fun!



    This is the option it doesn’t cover—–

    “Your request to join a group has been approved or denied”

    Can anyone update this ? That would be awsome.

    Thanks alot

    buddypress 2.8.2
    WordPress 4.7.5

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  • @toibox



    Did you ever manage to figure this out? I’ve looked through both the WP and BP Codices and I had no luck in tracking down the documentation for the bpdev_set_email_notifications_preference function. I reached out to another person on a different thread who seemed to have some insight into this matter. I’ll let you know if, when and what I hear back. I’m interested in figuring this out b/c as of the time of this posting there are two additional group options that I need to default to “off.” If you’ve figured out how to handle your #5 option, I would greatly appreciate you sharing your findings with me.

    Thank you.




    I know this is an old thread but I was searching for the same thing, and after encountering this thread I discovered a little free plugin on Github – – which I have just installed and appears to be working with no issues.Hope it helps someone else and thank you to hwdsbcommons for creating the plugin.



    Did you ever manage to figure this out? I’ve looked through both the WP and BP Codices and I had no luck in tracking down the documentation for the bpdev_set_email_notifications_preference function. I reached out to another person on a different thread who seemed to have some insight into this matter. I’ll let you know if, when and what I hear back. I’m interested in figuring this out b/c as of the time of this posting there are two additional group options that I need to default to “off.” If you’ve figured out how to handle your #5 option, I would greatly appreciate you sharing your findings with me.

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