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The Wire and Groups Issue

  • musuko


    New BuddyPress looks great cant wait for the release of 2.7.1 version so its officially out! in the mean time I am running an install that works awesome too except that i cant write on the wire or groups, I even updated the latest theme so my function files were up-to-date to correct the old problem, any ideas?

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  • This may be related to a known problem with upgrading the wire tables. It’ll be fixed very soon, make sure you’re on the trunk.



    Thanks Andy.

    In the mean time if someone has a fix it would be appreciated.

    Joss Winn


    Musuko, are you referring to this layout bug?

    If not, is anyone else getting this on their install? I’m running the latest trunk version.



    Your template looks really bad :S you should try to update or open a ticket in the trac..

    Burt Adsit


    josswinn, looking at your issue now. You just aren’t getting any CSS in the group at all except the member theme CSS. That isn’t even the group home template. Not the same structure at all. Try updating again make sure you update both themes and all the code in /mu-plugins. Overwrite everything.

    Joss Winn


    Every time I update, I rm -rf all BuddyPress folders and cp -R the new ones from my svn directory.

    Have just done it again and the page has the same problem.

    The only pages affected are Group pages.

    Joss Winn


    You can see from the group page source that it’s not picking up any of the structure.css files, whereas member profile pages are. I’ve poked around in the files and can’t understand why this might be.

    The only stylesheet being used is buddypress-member/style.css

    It’s not related to the buddypress-home as I’ve replaced that with the older RC-1 download and the problem exists.

    It’s not related to the bp-groups.* files as I’ve replaced those with the older RC-1 download and the problem exists.

    I’ve removed all other files from mu-plugins but that doesn’t fix it.

    Looking at the page in Firebug, is being found but doesn’t seem to be loading anything.

    Not sure what to try next…!

    Burt Adsit


    Any error msgs in your apache logs? The first thing that loader.php does is try to fire up wp-load.php. If it’s crashing with a fatal err there, nothing happens afterwards. No css. You have bp installed in a subdir. Lemme go check that preg_replace() regex.

    That can’t be it. It’s the same file for both member and groups. Check the err logs.

    Burt Adsit


    Let’s just hit it with a hammer. Upgrade to the latest trunk.

    Josswin: looks like your bp_styles() call is not adding any of the structure.css files. They are not appearing at all in your header.

    Joss Winn


    Burt, I’m already running latest trunk.

    Andy, this is a vanilla install. I’m using clean BP code from SVN trunk.

    John James Jacoby


    Possible that something is just being stubborn here.

    Member-theme is fine, searching for groups and members is fine, member profiles are fine, but viewing specific groups are not.

    According to firebug, Andy is right and your structure.css file is missing.

    I would say more mysterious, the optionsbar.php and userbar.php are also missing. This leads me to believe the TEMPLATEPATH variable is also getting the wrong idea as to where it’s at maybe when viewing a group profile?

    Joss Winn


    well, i don’t know what to do. i’ve set up another test site and there’s no problem. i think i’ll just remove the problem site and start again. not a big deal.

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