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Themeing: item-list-tabs navigation

  • @emily-g


    I’m currently building a new activity stream layout with a left navigation (facebook style).

    I moved the activity stream tabs (all members, friends, groups ect.) to the left sidebar and since i wanted to leave the styles for the tabs on other pages (such as on the profiles), i renamed the item-list-tabs div class that wraps around the links to <div class="left-tabs and created my styles.

    The links work fine, the ajax correctly loads the page up properly. But now i’m having issues with the loading button and the li.selected styles. It seems to be confused, not realizing that the page is loaded as the loading icon doesn’t hide itself after the page is loaded, and the selected styles doesnt change when i’ve switched tabs – i can select ALL the links on the page (somethings wrong with my styles as simply changing it back to ‘item-list-tabs’ works correctly.)

    I’ve gone through the default styles five times and short of doing a display:none on the loading styles, i dont know what i’m missing.

    Here are the styles i have for the tabs –
    If someone has afew spare seconds to let me know what else i may need, i’d really appreciate it. (now i can see why all the themes in the repo here use the default horizontal style navigation :p )

    Here is an image of what happens [JJJ – no IMG shortcodes?]

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  • @emily-g


    also, if i wanted to only show the activity post form on the /activity my groups tab i’d use bp_is_activity_component(groups) conditional tag, right?

    Is that the right conditional, or would that hide it from the single group activity stream?



    still unresolved btw. Cant figure it out…

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