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Theme/profile errror, even with themes correctly installed

  • @jfcarter


    I have triple-checked my themes and they are in the correct folders, but when I click on a member to see their profile, I get the message below:

    Warning: require_once (/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /wp-includes/theme.php on line 822

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/share/pear’) in /home/u2/zaifv9sjbm/ on line 822

    Thanks for your help.

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  • @apeatling


    Make sure the permissions are set to 644.



    1) Permissions are fine.

    2) What about the fact that the path doesn’t exist?


    This isn’t even a location! Do I need to redefine a function or something?



    I had this exact same error. I realised that I had put the member-themes folder in wp-content/themes instead of directly into wp-content. Works fine now.



    Thanks, but member-themes is located in wp-content.

    Anyone else have any ideas?



    Looking at the path you’re posting above (/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php) it seems as if you’ve selected the BuddyPress home theme as the default theme for your member pages and not the actual member theme.

    I’m not sure how you’d be able to do that though.

    What are the contents in your “member-themes” folder?




    That’s the mystery. My member-themes folder contains a directory called ‘buddypress-member’ and that’s it.

    I don’t have a buddypress-home folder there.

    I think there is a function that is defined to look for a file here: /wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php

    but cannot, because the location doesn’t exist.

    I’m wondering where this function is and how to redefine it.




    From what I can gather this thread is about a configuration problem. This is how to install the two themes.

    1) From the distribution zip or trunk move the folder /buddypress-theme/buddypress-home to the folder /wp-content/themes. You wind up with the structure /wp-content/themes/buddypress-home

    2) Move the folder /buddypress-theme/member-themes to the folder /wp-content. Ending up with the structure /wp-content/member-themes.

    If you want to use the bp home theme then you need to activate that in wpmu backend. You will never see the member theme as a possible candidate to activate.




    Thanks for your post. My files are already exactly as you suggested; I paid careful attention in the install instructions.

    I already activated the bp home theme in the WPMU backend.

    I think what’s happening is a function needs to be changed to reflect the new location of buddypress-home and member-themes.

    In the meantime, I’ve figured out a workaround.




    I have the exact same error with the latest release of buddypress and wp 2.7, and just as jfcarter explained my templates are also in the correct directories with the correct permissions. The system looks for “buddypress-home” instead of “member-themes”

    wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php) [function.load-template]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /wp-includes/theme.php on line 822



    I have a sketchy workaround. I duplicated the buddypress-member directory and named it buddypress-home. I put them both in the member-themes directory. And now it works perfectly!



    Hi. I had the same problem with buddypress, and i had to to what jfcarter suggested: duplicating the buddypress-member directory and naming it buddypress-home. But I think must be a better solution. Anyone knows which version of buddypress doesn´t have that problem?




    I think there must be some confusion as to the proper location of themes. See: for an overview.

    You shouldn’t have to rename directories if everything is in the right spots.



    burtadsit, there´s no confusion on the proper location of themes. You can try to install the last release of buddypress and wp mu 2.7 and you´ll see the error.

    Thanks to jfcarter for giving one solution.




    Hi people. The combo download for RC-1 from is fine in both the zip and tar.gz versions. Everything is where it should be. Just checked.

    When does this happen? Clean install, activate the home theme visit the root blog and then you get this error? Or does this only occur when you are in the member theme area such as your profile and then try to visit the home theme? For example you click ‘blog’ or ‘members’ buttons.

    I think that something is trashing a WP constant called TEMPLATEPATH that is created in wp-settings.php >> define(‘TEMPLATEPATH’, get_template_directory());

    It’s either not getting set correctly or it’s getting fubar’ed later, somehow.

    Have you tried activating a different theme for the root blog? Do you get the same error? Try just activating *anything* else other than the bp home theme and then do what you did to reproduce the problem.

    Trying to narrow things down. Lemme know.

    p.s. I flipped the red light switch on this thread so that others may join in the fun too.



    Hello everyone. Hi Burtadsit. I´ll try to explain using my poor English, I´m cuban. The error occurs in a Clean install, when you activate the home theme and try to visit the root blog, or the blog of any user previously created.

    The page show the following error:

    Warning: require_once(C:sitiossitiosocial/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:sitiossitiosocialwp-includestheme.php on line 822

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘C:sitiossitiosocial/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-home/index.php’ (include_path=’.;C:xamppphppear’) in C:sitiossitiosocialwp-includestheme.php on line 822

    How you can see, the application doesn´t found a buddypress-home directory inside member-themes. So, we solve this making a copy of the buddypress-member and renaming it to buddypress-home.

    Changing the topic (I know this is out of forum). I´d like to make my own buddypress-home theme, and buddypress-member theme. Do you have any documentation about it???




    Alain, try activating the ‘WordPress MU homepage’ theme. See if it happens.



    When I activate the WordPress MU homepage theme it still happens.



    I am geting the exact same error. I will be trying all that has been suggested on here



    Ok I got mine working by moving the member-themes folder from wp-content/themes to wp/content as tekkie said above



    This is a server or config issue. Not a bp issue.



    Warning: require_once(/home/public_html/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-member/index.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/morisus/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 822

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/public_html/wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-member/index.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 822

    How do we address the path issue?

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