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There was a problem cropping your avatar, please try uploading it again

  • @852cmd



    We have had issues with “crop image” on our register page. When someone uploads their image and hits “crop image”, they get an error: “There was a problem cropping your avatar, please try uploading it again”.

    We tried a few things such as setting the theme to Twenty Seventeen, deactivating all plugins except for the critical ones such as BuddyPress, WooCommerce, Marketplace, WC Vendor, WC Vendor Pro and No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA and updating BuddyPress to 2.9.1 but nothing seemed to help. We also checked the server and the CURL and GD modules are installed on our current server.

    We are really in the lost here and no one can register because of the error.

    Here is the link:

    Please help!

    852 CMD

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  • @dcavins


    Were you adding the avatar upload to the registration form via some custom code? (I think I’ve seen plugins and such that do that.) It looks like you’ve removed that step for now, so maybe all is well?




    Hi David,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    Yes, we had to turn off the “Allow registered members to upload avatars” under BuddyPress Settings – Options in the hope of letting people fill out the form in the meantime, but the form still doesn’t work with or without the avatar upload. Now, we tried to turn avatar back on and it won’t show up on the form.

    No, it’s not a separate plugin. The form is part of BuddyPress.




    > the form still doesn’t work with or without the avatar upload.

    Could you say more about this? By “the form” you mean the *registration* form?

    As David suggests above, BP doesn’t allow for avatar upload at the time of registration, at least not out of the box. This suggests to me that you have another plugin (or something in your theme) that is enabling this feature, and that it might be this feature that’s causing the problem. Can you take a look at the plugins active on your site to see if one of them might be doing this?

    As for the registration form, it could be that the plugin that’s enabling the avatar upload during signup is *also* causing the failure, because it rejects registrations without an avatar attached. If so, this is something you could fix by disabling the plugin. It could also be that the registration failures are linked to something other than the avatar issue. In this context, it’d be helpful to know more about what you mean when you say that the form “doesn’t work”. Are you shown an error message after submitting? A totally white screen? A registration that appears to work but never sends the confirmation email?



    Hi @boonebgorges,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    Yes, the form is the register form/page:

    We found the plugin that the previous developer used for the avatar upload was Buddypress Upload Avatar Ajax, which we deactivated. Now the avatar section is not showing up on the register form anymore. However, if you fill out the form and hit Complete Sign Up, it will pop up an error message that says “Error! Please upload Profile Picture.”

    We tried looking at other plugins and theme settings and couldn’t seem to find anything that might have caused that.

    Please help, thanks!



    @852cmd Hm, that string – ‘Error! Please upload Profile Picture’ – doesn’t come from BuddyPress. This should be your clue: whatever code is generating that string is probably also doing the blocking itself. Try searching your codebase – including your theme – for this error message.



    Hi @boonebgorges,

    Thank you so much for the advice. There was a script the previous developer inserted in the child theme that costed the error. The form is working again!

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