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Thesis & Buddypress (HELP!?)

  • @liljohn


    I have done a fresh install of wordpress mu / buddypress. I was wanting to use the Thesis theme but have run into a slight snag of sorts.

    When I enabled Thesis, I had to manually add pages for News, Blogs, Members & Groups. Everything appears to work until you click on one of the created Pages. (Blogs, Members & Groups mainly)

    It doesn’t load Thesis, I get the following:

    “To enable the blog directory you must drop the “plugin-template.php” file into your theme directory.”

    I did and it only loads the ‘bp_template_content’ from what I can gather.

    How can I incorporate this into the Thesis theme.

    Note: Thesis does have the ability to use hooks in the theme. I however need a little guidance on how to do so.

    From the Thesis release info:

    New Page Template Functionality and Hooks

    In addition, some of you may encounter situations where you need to create your own page templates. By using the new “Custom Template” page template, you’ll gain access to a new hook, thesis_hook_custom_template, and you can use that to inject anything you want into the #content_box (the space between the header and footer of your site).

    4+ hours on this and I am ready to shoot my computer… lol

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  • @burtadsit


    When I enabled Thesis, I had to manually add pages for News, Blogs, Members & Groups. Everything appears to work until you click on one of the created Pages. (Blogs, Members & Groups mainly)

    I’m not sure what ‘manually add pages for…’ means. You don’t need to add anything except the files plugin-template.php and plugin-sidebar.php which come with the bp home theme. Look in the home theme dir for those two. Just drop them into your theme’s directory.

    Those files have action triggers in them that display whatever directory your user chose. Members, Groups…

    If you are not running the bp home theme then within your theme you provide links to all the directories you want to be available. The urls would be:

    You don’t have to create pages for these. bp hooks those urls and tries to display the appropriate directory using the plugin-template.php file.

    What you’ve done is create mu pages with slugs that mimic the bp urls for the directories. Clicking on what you expect to be a page in your theme, fires off one of those urls. bp sees that it’s a bp internal reserved name for one of the directories and tries to oblige by displaying the directory. It can’t find that template file plugin-template.php and complains loudly.

    Ya just can’t have pages named those things.

    What you will have to do is override/skin the css for the directories if you want them to display in accordance with your theme.



    Thanks for such a quick response.

    That’s exactly what I did, was create pages with slugs identical to what is found in bp’s navigation bar.

    I am really excited to see where this project is going. Bp is already an excellent product and I cant wait for more future releases.

    Thanks a bunch guys!



    Would the easiest route be for me to create custom page templates for each directory (members, groups, blogs)? That way I could just create a new page in wp-admin and set the template to ‘custom_blogs_template’ for example.

    If that makes sense where would I find the code to insert into my custom_templates?



    Burt, you wrote:

    You don’t have to create pages for these. bp hooks those urls and tries to display the appropriate directory using the plugin-template.php file.

    But I beg to differ. ;) I can’t tell you anything about the why or when, just that if you DON’T create these pages, the title of the page shows as “yoursite >> Page not Found”. Yet all the page content still loads fine without the page being created.

    So if it is just a workaround for now, or whether it is the right way to make it work, creating the pages makes this error go away. (I noticed it on your site, too, just this morning.)



    Yep, you’re right wardeh. I’m doing all sorts of whacky things to get rid of the 404 problem with directories. Never thought of doing that. I gotta try it.

    Back in the day, I created a bunch of pages in mu and bp had major problems with them. Caused all sorts of havoc. Guess it’s been resolved. Thanks!

    This is a forest and trees thing with me. :P I just moved on to other pressing problems and the directory 404s just became normal.



    Wow. Now I see what you are saying wardeh. I created a page with the same slug as the members directory and the 404s go away. Lovely. Thanks! Now I have to see how that broke the css. :)



    Oh, good!

    I created pages for Members, Blogs and Groups.



    Yep. Thanks for the tip. This is goofy though. We gotta get Andy to solve the 404 problem. I shouldn’t have to create a dummy page and have to deal with that as well as the 404 problem. Some themes are hardcoded to display the pages that exist. What if I don’t want to have any pages? (I don’t) :)

    Is there a ticket for this?

    (he asks too lazy to go look)

    @liljohn I’m not certain what you mean by creating custom page templates.



    How do you create a page with the same slug as the members directory?



    I assume that means you create a empty page called members.



    So what your saying is to go to dashboard > write > page under title put “members”?



    Latest bp rev 850 solves the 404 problem. Disable all work arounds!

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