[Resolved] Time difference Buddypress Activity and BBPress
Mine is showing 6 hours ago for a forum entry I just entered.
Looks like it is displaying the time in GMT. Now if I can change that.
My settings under general is for CDT.What versions of bbPress and BuddyPress are you using, and which is displaying the wrong time?
I am using WordPress 3.5. , BuddyPress Version 1.6.2, BBPress Version 2.2.3
BBPress is displaying the correct time, Buddpyress activity displays the correct time I.E “posted 5 seconds ago” But times are wrong in Dashboard > Activity , which causes searching for activity updates along with plugins such as BuddyPress Component Stats to pull the wrong times.
i am also seeing a discrepancy between front end activity time stamps and what is shown in wp admin. i think whats happening at least for us is that the wp admin area is showing gmt time regardless of the local time. example:
latest post:
published – 13:54 local time (GMT-8)
front activity entry – 54 minutes ago
wp admin activity time stamp – 9:54 PM
current time – 14:48current version of bbpress/buddypress/wp/multisite
I know this thread is old, but I want to help those that are in the same boat as I am in while searching for this issue on Google, I hope it is also pertinent to this thread fully as I believe these issues are linked together.
I was having an issue with this too, where the activity streams on the home page were showing times that are 7 hours off because of GMT time being 7 hours off from me.
This problem can easily be fixed by setting your WordPress’s main timezone settings to something like -8 instead of the city name ie; Los Angeles.
But I could not go this route because I’m currently using Ajax Event Calendar plugin, which requires the timezone to be a city name for some weird reason. Thus I had two plugins that wanted two conflicting things.
This is the fix I came up with that seems to work just fine for me : )
In buddypress: \bp-core\bp-core-functions.php
Find: function bp_core_time_since
Change: $newer_date = ( !$newer_date ) ? strtotime( bp_core_current_time() ) : $newer_date;
so that bp_core_current_time() becomes bp_core_current_time(false)This passes over to the bp_core_current_time() which defaults as true which sets it to automatically handle the activity time differences as GMT instead of your time zone.
I’m not a WordPress pro but it looked like you could just hook into this function if you wanted to or override it, but this was the route I knew how to take.
pretty sure @trishasalas patched that in either 1.8 or 1.8.1
Here is the actual patch
After you implement the patch, go into Settings and change your Timezone.
Yes, this is actually in core now…I believe it was 1.8. It had been using
and now it is usingget_date_from_gmt()
.If your times are still off make sure your BuddyPress is up to date and that should fix the problem.
I have Version 1.8.1
Isn’t that patch only for the admin panel stuff it sounds like?
My times were incorrect on the activity widget, so I went deep to fix the activity problem I was having.I just installed Buddypress today, the latest version and for some reason when I write on the activity stream it says 6 hours ago.
Looks like this could be the same issue even with the update. Any simple way to fix this issue? Thanks.
Hi there,
I know this issue was fixed for some people, but I still have this problem
I have BP 1.8.1 and WP 3.7.1I checked the status of the patch here:
and using this modification I was able to fix the problem on the activity time, but the problem on comment time not yet.
When I write a status update, after apply the patch the activity time render fine, but if I write something in the comment of the activity, the time say that the comment was 4 hours ago.The patch that I used, supposedly is already included in the latest version of BP, but it is not 🙁
Anyone know how can I apply any fix to the comments too?I posted a note
– In the front end Activity feed at 3:40 pm (correct time)
– Dashboard > Activity shows 10:40 am (5 hours backwards)Someone posted a note
– In the BBpress forum at 10:59 am (correct time)
– Front end Activity feed shows 3:59 pm (5 hours forward)
– Dashboard > Activity shows 10:59 am. (correct time)BuddyPress 1.8.1
bbPress 2.4.1Hi there,
Digging a bit I found this topic that describes my problem as well.
Could you please inform me how to solve the issue with the time difference between bbpress and buddy press?
Buddypress: 2.0.3
Wordpress: 4.0
BBPress: 2.5.4
Theme: Twenty FourteenRegards
Finally, in my case the problem was solved by switching the time setting (Dashboard – Settings – General – Timezone) from location to UTC.
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12 years, 1 month ago
I have both Buddypress and BBpress installed on my site. When I post a update in my BBpress Forum @ 12:52pm, the update shows the correct time
When I post the the same exact update @ 12:52pm in my Buddypress Activity section it shows the post “posted an update 5 seconds ago Test post”
But when I look at this activity update under dashboard > activity , it shows
Why is BBPress displaying the correct time but Buddypress activity shows a several hour time difference? Is this something that needs to be changed in my BuddyPress settings?