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To create a Registration of the members with several form

  • @ibanez78200


    Hello all,

    I speak no very well english. I hope to you will understand me.

    My current WP configuration:
    Theme used: buddyX
    plugins: buddypress, BPprofilsearch, Youzify, BuddyPress Xprofile custom field types,

    I want to make a paid registration module with several price levels offering different possibilities.

    I would like to add 3 types of profile. 1/ man member profile , 2/ girl member profile and 3/ profile for people who consult members’ files (visitors). I want the choice of profile type to give a different registration form page.

    The informations in the cells to be completed in the registration form is transferred to the profile area of ​​each member’s file in buddypress.

    The plugins ” WP profile search” allows to filter on the member directory page.
    The different filter possibilities are direct transfers of the cells to fill in the registration form.

    Do you know how to create this type of registration has 3 profil, therefore offering 3 different registration forms, and keeping the operating principle of buddy press knowing that the type of profile must also be in the sorting of WP profile search ?

    Thank you by advance !

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  • @wbcomdesigns


    @ibanez78200 first approach could be using member type and mapping it to member roles and display profile fields based on member type.
    2nd approach, you can use to create multiple forms and map each registration with different membership roles. It also allows mapping xprofile fields with form fields.



    Hello wbcomdesigns,
    Thank a lot for your reply.
    i don’t a lot of knowledge in order to mapping.
    So in first i think to try with gravityform. May be it’s more easier.
    Please, if you know a website or youtube video wich explain how to do that. It’s will be super !!!

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