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Toolbar disappears after Woocommerce install

  • bosmana


    I use WP version 4.7, RamboPro theme 2.5 and BuddyPress

    After installing Woocommerce, the toolbar disappeared for regular users (users higher than ‘contributor’ do see the toolbar).

    There is 1 closed topic in this forums addressing this, yet the solutions do not work for me:

    1. Henry Wright suggested the following
    “I think WooCommerce might disable the admin bar but I’m not entirely sure why. Try adding this to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_disable_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );”

    However, this will permanently show the toolbar, even for users who are not logged in (which is what I want to avoid).

    Does anyone know a good solution?

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  • danbp


    Sorry, but we can’t assist you for premium theme or third party plugin issues. The toolbar is part of WordPress and BuddyPress only allows you to show/hide it for logged out users. See checkbox in BP’s main settings: Show the Toolbar for logged out users.

    Control if you have a specific function runing in your theme functions.php file. If you don’t know how to proceed, ask for help on your theme support. If you find nothing in the theme, ask on woocommerce support.



    Thanks, I will contact them 🙂

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