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Transfering a BuddyPress site to a Multi-site

  • @pandraka


    Can anyone recommend software that takes a stand-alone BuddyPress site, using xprofile files, bbpress, buddydocs etc and transfers it to a Multisite? I was attempting to move it using the All in one WP Migration plugin with the Multi-site extension (paid for) by ServMask, it isn’t working and now ServMask has offered a refund. It is critical that the site be moved into a multisite, doing it manually isn’t an option the site is too extensive.

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  • @shanebp


    I do not know of a plugin that can do it.
    Your best bet may be to hire a very experienced developer – perhaps one that can figure out the issues created when using the ServMask code.



    Good Morning,

    Thank you for your reply, but hiring someone else isn’t a possibility. I’ve been digging in the BuddyPress codex and around the internet. There was a suggestion to turn off the fancy permalinks and using the plain links before exporting the databases when using BuddyPress. That worked for the most part. I think I’m 93% of the way to a solution. The only thing that didn’t work was the user’s profiles. All the users are present and displayed, but the user’s @user_nicename, title, and image are incorrect, the rest of the profile and user’s fields are correct. I also noticed instead of 30 users I now have 31. It looks like the super admin user’s information wasn’t incorporated into the new profile, but a second profile was established. I also imported the data into the topmost site instead of a subdirectory. I’m currently working to address these issues any insight would be appreciated.



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