Easy no.
A. On your Hosting Control Panel point the new URL to the same folder as where you have everything now. Then go to the admin settings and change the URL on both WPMU and BBPress. It will log you out and you have to log in. Install plugin broken link checker https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/broken-link-checker/ and have fun changing all the URLs.
there is another option it involves setting up a new SQL and exporting everything and importing… bbpress has a pluging for you to export and import, I never used it so I don’t want to recommend it.
Thanks Gerikg.
Can anyone else confirm that this is a suitable method, as Its not something I want to mess up?
I was delighted when I saw this, however, it’s not exactly what I thought this post was going to be about.
I have a test site on my own hosting and domain and would like to transfer it over to the clients. Is there a good way to do this? Or is it back-up, import on fresh install on new server, then copy all my customized files over?
I know WP has an Export feature, BBpress has an export plugin, I don’t know about BuddyPress information.
If no one can answer the export information on BP then I would suggest to have both domain point to the same server/folder. Then change all URLs on the admin page to the new one.
If you backup your SQL data it will still point to the old site.
blackarbor, are you hosting it?
There is no server-specific data used by Buddypress. Export all the BP tables and import them into the new database.
For specific advice on migrating a WPMU installation, it’s probably best to look at the Wu forums.
Hi Guys
Sorry to come back to this after a while but, its literally just the name change of the domain Im wanting. Fortunately nothing like the location of the database or folder names etc are changing, so Im ok just to use Jeff’s recommendation and do the domain part of the Changing site url?