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translating bbpress show internal server error

  • @bunse2011


    I just took those steps to translate bbpress, but encouter internal server error(only with bbpress)

    1. download the chinese translation file from buddypress: (.mp /.po)

    2. add those two file into wp-content/language/plugin and rename it

    3. the translation works fine

    4. but when I use loco translation plugin to edit some text in translation plugin, sync and save , it shows ” Internal Server Error</span>” shows again.

    here is the php log: [29-Sep-2016 07:48:55 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Method Loco_gettext_Data::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Exception: Truncation error in vhosts/bpteach_dev/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 0
    <p class=”p1″>[29-Sep-2016 07:51:56 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Method Loco_gettext_Data::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Exception: Truncation error in vhosts/bpteach_dev/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 0</p>

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  • @danbp



    you are on the BuddyPress support.
    bbpress questions should be asked on bbpress support.
    And as you use Loco Translate plugin, and apparently have an issue with it, you have to ask on the LT plugin support.

    To get more about chinese translation, help and much more, please read the Polyglots blog.



    Thanks for you reply.

    Sorry, it is my typo………… my problem is with buddypress translation instead of bbpress.

    I have contacted with the loco team, but they asked me to contact buddypress, as the the problem is only with the buddypress that I download from

    could you please help me?



    – I know nothing about Loco translate as i never used it. And i can’t read chinese, so i can’t help you with this specific translation.

    – I never seen a error 500 after modifying a translation.

    – The only thing i’m sure (because of the error messages) is that it is Loco who doesn’t find a file or can’t access to it properly.

    – Re-check Loco Settings and try another path option… Or maybe use a custom path called MyTranslation and use the plugin only to translate. Once done, deactivate Loco and move the mo file manually to the right folder. By doing this you eliminate the eventual plugin issue and still have a mo file you can use (hopefully).

    – Ensure your BP’s po/mo files have correct file extension and use the correct path to file:

    /wp-content/languages/plugins/ & buddypress-zh_CN.po

    Personnaly, i use poEdit and only on my computer and never directly on a site.

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