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Traslation: Lost Password

  • @friendsandcash


    Hello: someone could help in translate the following text?:
    “ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password?”
    What I mainly need to know is where is it located.

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  • @danbp


    Hi @friendsandcash

    This string is in WordPress: wp-includes/user.php:153

    <strong>ERROR</strong>: The password you entered for the username <strong>%1$s</strong> is incorrect. <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"Password Lost and Found\">Lost your password</a>?

    WP 3.9 original pot file



    Thanks for your quick reply, danhp; I founded it and modified the text; however, the issue is much bigger now; after changing the text “Lost your Password” by ¿Has perdido tu contraseña?” (which is the spanish translation), I can´t log in. The system returns several error messages like this:
    “Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘wp_validate_logged_in_cookie’ was given in /home2/esaguado/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 192”
    I have replaced the hole file by the local one, which hadn´t been modified, but the result is the same: It is not possible to log in.
    I´m lost, do you have any idea on how to solve this BIG PROBLEM?



    ola !
    I have no idea, but some paths…

    First, if you altered the user.php, it’s the wrong way, because it’s a core file. Translation modification should only be done in the po/mo file

    Secondly, you have a special character (tilde) in the word contraseña. Would probably be more secure that you use the HTML entity for this.

    Don’t know what you did before the errors screen, but you have to go back to a previous stage, without errors. Deactivate all plugins, except BP. Remove the WP translations files from the languages folder, and try to enter your install in english…

    Please read more about BuddyPress language here.



    Hi again, it is fixed now, I can log in and all is working fine.
    But now we are at the beginning because:
    1) The text “ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password?” remains untranslated
    2) I don´t know how to get it translated, since in the po/mo file doesn´t appear. I only know that it is stated in the user.php file, but this file shouldn´t be modified, so??



    This string doesn’t exit in WP, BP or bbP:
    ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password ? Do you use a custom login plugin ?

    All po/mo used for a WP/BP install are located in wp-content/languages.

    Can you test the translation by activating Twenty thirteen and have you tested without any plugin except BP ?

    What theme do you use and site URL please !

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