I had no idea what you were talking about at first!
But a quick Google search led to it:
Sounds interesting!
I’m not brave enough to try it yet, but do let us know!
well i tried it costed me 4 hours, here is what you can start with on a centos 5.4
yum install cmake gcc-c++ boost flex bison libmysql libxml2 libmcrypt libicu libcap gd zlib tbb oniguruma curl-devel.x86_64 libevent
it will give you
No package tbb available.
No package oniguruma available.
No package libmysql available.
then u should go ahead and install this;
and this
and still being unable to compile this stupid device.
on their documentation, it’s simple,
after all; you will get:
CMake Error: The source directory “/home/user/hiphop” does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
according to facebook, it should have just worked.
maybe i should give it a try on Fedora. I give up for today.
I have now a working hiphop server at http://hip.kodingen.com
If someone wants to take the next step and compile buddypress with it, contact me I will give you root access.
Wow, that’s a really impressive setup you got going at http://kodingen.com. Thank you for posting this ~ I wouldn’t know where to start with hiphop yet, but I registered and noticed that the activation email is missing a backslash. I had read this statement from @rasmus and figured it’s performance gains and high scaleability would also depend on a series of other configurations like memcached and sql optimization. But something like this could prove to be as Rasmus puts it, escape from ‘framework soup’. Although wordpress.com seems to be running top notch on top of Nginx, but I’m sure they got all kinds of hardware and configuration tweaks going on..
// all the same thanks for for the experimenting and good luck with it.
Hi David..
Thanks, I don’t really know the reason wordpress/buddypress is slow. Although we have all sorts of optimizations (memcache,cdn,minifications) in place, wp-blog-header.php is not running under 0,3 secs, page loads are well around 1 sec. I have never dived into bp functions and investigated them thoroughly to comment on where the biggest impact on performance occurs.
Since we are really busy on our project launch hassles, i’m trying to get this on the side as much as I can.
If i anybody could help me out on testing the performance of buddypress using hiphop, or at least find out if it can compile or not, that can benefit this community a great deal too.
I highly agree on a benefit the community ~ i’d love to say that I could set aside some time to help you with benchmarking, but I’m afraid I’d be a bit out of my comfort zone and strapped to other projects, which unfortunately don’t require the scalability. But I’m sure someone of similar interest will come along to help with testing and compiling it though… if not me in a couple months.
This looks interesting…I will definitely try my hand on this soon and try to contribute here…as heavy weight buddypress Apps do have speed issue, I have come across situations where loading time is an issue and this will help…