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Triggered Emails Contain Dead/Wrong Links

  • @gabbyrose


    The hyperlinks in emails being triggered by a user’s activity are all incorrect.

    For an example, here is an email that was triggered by a user requesting membership to a group:

    “Hi Gabby Rose,

    Gabrielle Rose wants to join the group “Group Name”.

    As you are an administrator of this group, you must either accept or reject the membership request.

    Go here to manage this and all other pending requests.”

    The first hyperlink, “Gabrielle Rose,” is supposed to link to that user. Instead, the hyperlink is to “http://profile.url/”. (For some reason, this forum is adding &#8221 to the end of the hyperlink.

    The second hyperlink, Go here to manage this, is supposed to link to “Group Name” membership requests. Instead, the hyperlink is to “http://group-requests.url/”. (For some reason, this forum is adding &#8221 to the end of the hyperlink.

    Here is the content of the email as it is supposed to send:

    “{{}} wants to join the group “{{}}”.
    As you are an administrator of this group, you must either accept or reject the membership request.

    Go here to manage this and all other pending requests.”

    {{}} is hyperlinked {{{profile.url}}}

    “Go here to manager this” is hyperlinked {{{group-requests.url}}}

    I have reset all BuddyPress email settings to default. The example above is the default setting.

    Please help!!!

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