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Trouble with Active Blogs Loop

  • @nahummadrid


    I’ve been using a widget to display most active blogs but theres a little issue i’m having, well i’ve had the for a while and it hasn’t bugged me enough to bring it up until today!

    bp_has_blogs(‘per_page=17’) — When I set the amount of blog avatars to display the actual display is 2 -3 less than the amount specified. So I end up having to set it higher for the correct amount to display.

    Anyone else seen this, what could i be doing that’s making it do this? I’m using the template for has_blogs loop just as it is.

    Edit/Correction: Actually I have added a little hack suggested by ray (while ( bp_blogs() ) : bp_the_blog();if(bp_get_blog_name() != “” && bp_get_blog_name() != “” ) — I’m thinking now that may be it.

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