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Troubles Running BuddyPress?

  • @jeffsayre


    Tomorrow is shaping up to be another important milestone in BuddyPress history. Barring any unforeseen issues with the current development trunk of RC2, Andy announced this afternoon that RC-2 will be out tomorrow.

    Furthermore, if everything goes well with that, he’s hoping to officially release to the public version 1.0 of BuddyPress a week or so after. With WPMU 2.7.1’s official release yeserday by Donncha, the pieces are quickly falling into place!

    There have been a significant number of bug fixes, structural changes, and additions to both WPMU and BuddyPress. Many of these changes address a large number of issues that I keep on seeing being discussed in this forum.

    Therefore, if you are still having issues with BuddyPress and are running WPMU 2.7 and BuddyPress 1.0_RC1 (the version that you currently obtain by clicking the big, orange “Download” button at the top of the screen), the time to upgrade is almost here.

    Wait for RC-2 to be announced by Andy (hopefully tomorrow), then follow the proper upgrade procedures and see if your BP issues are resolved.

    Of course, we will be more than happy to help you with any remaining issues or any new issues that you may have.

    Happy upgrading!

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