Trying to run some code based on a field with there user id
if( $bp->loggedin_user->id = get_option(‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’)){
run code for spammer
} else {
run this if they are not marked as a spammer.
The get_option(‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’) is a field in the admin where they put in a user ID.
I have in the field a user ID of 59 and tried from 2 different accounts. Both are treated as spam … what am I doing wrong.
you are missing an =, should be:
if( $bp->loggedin_user->id == get_option(‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’)){
Tried that but now it treats the spammer and the person not marked as spam. As spam free.
did you try
if( $bp->loggedin_user->id == '59' ){
just to see if it works without the get_option(‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’) bit?I did actually, still shows the spammer as spam free.
have you added global $bp; to your function?
Is this right?
global $bp;
if( $bp->loggedin_user->id == ’59’ ){yeah, looks correct to me.
No go, very odd ..
Tried going about this another way. Still not working correctly. Says user id 59 is not a spammer, but that user is marked as so. Any ideas?
I tried to echo it out. Nothing comes out for the user id ..
echo(‘User ID: ‘ . $bp->loggedin_user->id . “n”);/* *********************** START Spammmer! ********************************* */
global $bp;
// 59 for testing
// if( $bp->loggedin_user->id == get_option(‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’)){global $current_user;
global $user_id;if ($userinfo->ID == 59) {
function my_bp_update_post_add_cppoints() {
if( function_exists(‘cp_alterPoints’) && is_user_logged_in() ){
cp_alterPoints(cp_currentUser(), 0 );
cp_log(‘Comment’, cp_currentUser(), 0, BuddyPress);
echo ‘spammer
echo(‘User ID: ‘ . $user_info->ID . “n”);
add_action(‘bp_activity_posted_update’,’my_bp_update_post_add_cppoints’);} else {
// Add Points for a update
function my_bp_update_post_add_cppoints() {
if( function_exists(‘cp_alterPoints’) && is_user_logged_in() ){
cp_alterPoints(cp_currentUser(), get_option(‘bp_update_post_add_cp_bp’) );
cp_log(‘Comment’, cp_currentUser(), get_option(‘bp_update_post_add_cp_bp’), BuddyPress);
echo ‘spam free
echo(‘User ID: ‘ . $user_info->ID . “n”);
/* *********************** END Spammmer! ********************************* */Why are you separating the functions for the same action?
Look how cleaner this is: I’m still learning PHP, sorry
I’m really grateful for your help btw!That did work!
If a admin where to put in more than one user id separated by a comma like:59, 120, 33
etc. How would I accomplish that from the input field on the admin backend.
Yeah sorry, didn’t mean to sound harsh! We all start out somewhere!
You’d have to “explode” the input variable. Look up “php explode” on Google.
Then you’ll have to run a cool foreach loop… good thing about building a plugin is you learn!
@r-a-y This is what I came up with and the echo prints out this “Banned Users: Array” am I even close? lol
function my_bp_update_post_add_cppoints() {
global $bp;
$bpcpspam = array($bpcpspamlist);$getspamlist = get_option( ‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’ );
$bpcpspamlist = explode(“,”, $getspamlist);echo(‘Banned Users: ‘ . $bpcpspamlist . “
“);if ($bp->loggedin_user->id != get_option( ‘bp_spammer_cp_bp’ ) ) {
foreach ($bpcpspam as $bpcpspamlist) {
if( function_exists(‘cp_alterPoints’) ){
cp_alterPoints($bp->loggedin_user->id, get_option(‘bp_update_post_add_cp_bp’) );
cp_log(‘Comment’, $bp->loggedin_user->id, get_option(‘bp_update_post_add_cp_bp’), BuddyPress);
Check this out: (commented the code so hopefully you can learn from it!)^ Exciting
@xberserker – I’ve updated the code with comments, so check the previous post for the updated link!
@r-a-y Thanks for that!
Getting some errors.
This shows in the admin
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/me/public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/cubepoints-buddypress-integration/cubepointsBP.php on line 74
This shows on the front end when I go to the activity page
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/me/public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/cubepoints-buddypress-integration/cubepointsBP.php on line 74
Line 74 is:
foreach ( $bpcpspamlist as $spammer_id ) {This is what I put in.
Please post the full function on to post code snippets!
Edited my post with that now. Opps
I see you simply copied and pasted my previous code without adding the rest of the function!
Here’s the full function: (updated to check if spamlist is filled in)I think I’ve written the majority of your plugin! lol
Doh! I’m an idiot, lol. I’ll add you as a contributor to the plugin if you’d like?
Seems to be working, I’ll do a more tests when I get home. Thank you sooo much r-a-y!
Glad it works!
re: contributor – It’s up to you if you want to add me as a contributor; though if you add me, you should add thekmen too!
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