I just updated to and I am still experiencing the same issue.
Same here (BP, WP 4.2.1) but instead it moves down and till now I experienced this only for older friendship updates.
Is there an adjustable way to close the ability to reply.
When you comment someting on activities, this comment will be attached to this activity.
That means that if your initial activity was registered past mounth, even if you comment on it today, you won’t see it in today’s activities, but in past mounth activities.
so, yes, you have to scroll or at least to choose an appropriate activity filter to get nearer, depending the activity amount of your site.
@borisj, see if this plugin may help:
BuddyPress Lock Unlock Activity
9 years, 11 months ago
I just updated the BP plugin to version I can make a comment to a post to the initial post within the activity stream. If I attempt to reply to the comment, nothing happens except the page scrolls up. This same issue showed up in some past version of BP, and now the issue has come back.