[Resolved] Unable to modify sidebars – BP Columns theme
I am using BP Columns theme in the website – http://psychotherapyandcounseling.org for which I request resolution of some issues I am facing. The problem is in Appearance >> Widgets. The sidebars cannot be configured at will. Their structure as it is visible in the “Widgets” page is different from the actual structure of the main page of the site: http://psychotherapyandcounseling.org.
The configuration is as follows:
1. WP version 3.5.1
2. Installed WordPress as a directory in the root.
3. The WP version has kept upgrading from earlier versions.
4. WP was functioning properly before installing BP.
5. BP version 1.7.1
6. BP was upgraded from earlier versions, which happened automatically.
7. Plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated: Akismet, BP-Registration-options, Collapase Page and category plugin, collapsing categories, custom post display, decent comments, fast secure form, floating social media icon, members list, smart slideshow widget, Ultimate TinyMCE, WordPress Database backup, YouTube sidebar widget
8. No core files modified in any way.
10. No custom functions in bp-custom.php.
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