Update User Activitys Stream by RSS Feed
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make it so a user can enter their RSS feed and their acrivity staus updates will be updated with the latest items from the RSS feed
anyone have any ideas? I’m sure someone else must have been working on this
I also have this problem. I clicked on the RSS button and get a page saying:
“The feed could not be loaded because the content is not in a known feed format.”I thought BP has RSS feature automatic?
This plugin https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-external-activity/ has the basic infrastructure to do what you’re looking for, though it doesn’t yet have a way for users to enter their own RSS feeds via a front-end UI. I plan to add that in the next version.
Thanks for that link, it looks good but I had a quick question. Say i want to have user “johnb” have a profile whose activity feed is updated from the RSS feed of say TechCrunch, how would I edit loader.php?
‘feed_url’ => ‘http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/boonebgorges?count=15’,
‘feed_action’ => ‘%s posted the link %s on Delicious’,
‘component’ => ‘delicious’,
‘type’ => ‘new_delicious_link’,
‘show_text’ => __( ‘Show Delicious Links’, ‘bp-external-activity’ )
),I think you should just be able to add a user_id item to the array:
`’user_id’ => $user_id,`
where $user_id is johnb’s unique user id.
OK thanks, I will try it out but can you tell me what I should put for the rest of the fields, espedcially component and type. I want it so that the title of the post is displayed so for the feed for http://www.ambeat.com/
‘feed_url’ => ‘http://feeds.feedburner.com/ambeata?,
‘feed_action’ => ‘%s posted the link %s’,
‘component’ => ‘delicious’,
‘type’ => ‘new_delicious_link’,
’show_text’ => __( ‘Show Delicious Links’, ‘bp-external-activity’ )
‘user_id’ => ‘johnb’,
),You’ll have to experiment in order to get the other parameters right. Try experimenting on a test installation to see how changing the different values (especially feed_action) changes the text.
And keep in mind that ‘user_id’ => ‘johnb’ will not work. You have to use a numeric id for the user. Also, make sure you have commas separating each value in the array, or you will get a white screen.
I added the following code and got this error: I was trying to see what would appear if I tried the delicious feed for user id 4 on my site. Any help woukd be greatly appreciated
Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘_bp_external_activity_refetch’ was given in /home/content/70/5722070/html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395
$external_activity_feeds = array(
‘feed_url’ => ‘http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/wiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&feed=atom’,
‘feed_action’ => ‘%s edited the wiki page %s’,
‘component’ => ‘wiki’,
‘type’ => ‘wiki_edit’,
‘show_text’ => __( ‘Show Wiki Edits’, ‘bp-external-activity’ )
‘feed_url’ => ‘http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/boonebgorges?count=15’,
‘feed_action’ => ‘%s posted the link %s on Delicious’,
‘component’ => ‘delicious’,
‘type’ => ‘new_delicious_link’,
‘show_text’ => __( ‘Show Delicious Links’, ‘bp-external-activity’ ),
‘user_id’ => ‘4’,
);anyone have any ideas?
Yes Amahesh.. This plugin will be released in about a week on http://www.bp-tricks.com
It allows the user to fill in his RSS feed and the stream will show his/her latest posts in the activity stream
sounds great, let me know when this launches, I would be more than happy to make a donation
It would be really great to have rss import streams for users. I am missing this feature strongly.
any update on this @Bowromir ?
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