OH! and when I went to check my error log to try and pin point the exact location of the error – all of my logs had been completely and totally WIPED. it showed zero errors. how weird is that?
That is pretty bizarre.
White screen errors can mean lots of things unfortunately. If it’s BuddyPress being active that’s causing it, it might be an out of memory or php/mysql version error?
Can you verify that you have all of the files in the correct locations? Were you ever able to get BuddyPress to activate successfully at all? Do you have any other plugins running that maybe are conflicting?
John – thanks for the reply!! 
I’ll check with my host about the memory… that’s something new to me… hmm.
All the files are in the correct locations, triple and quadruple checked. Buddypress 1.0.2 was working fine, it’s the upgrade to 1.0.3 that caused this. It was never activated, got a fatal error on activation so I clicked deactivate and then POOF. It said that it could not activate the plug-in when i clicked activate. But, white screen of death before I could try to delete it or do anything. It really didn’t like that update.
I have a few plug-ins running, but without the admin back end working, I can’t deactivate them. Can I place them in a separate folder temporarily without causing even more havoc? i.e. welcome pack, monty spam, wp ban, limited log in attempts, askimet, etc.
Just really want to get my blogs back in action. Don’t want people hating on me for losing all their data… although data is all still there, it’s just invisible. bizarre indeed!
Thanks so much for responding. really appreciate it.
I think if you rename your /plugins and /mu-plugins (or whatever it’s called; the name escapes me) to something else, that’ll automatically deactivate them when WordPress tries to visit them. I think you have to visit your admin backend for this auto deactivation to happen.
OH! and when I went to check my error log to try and pin point the exact location of the error – all of my logs had been completely and totally WIPED. it showed zero errors. how weird is that?
Check you are looking at the correct file. Sometimes I chase errors then I realise I’m looking at an old log or the wrong file (doh!)
Oh, and John’s specifically referring to the PHP memory limit value which normally lives in the server’s php.ini file (not system RAM or somesuch).
When I renamed the plugin folders my blog came back! but no buddypress. 
OK – now to try and figure out why the heck buddypress 1.0.3 isn’t loving me.
AND! this is totally wonkers. It says I’m using WPMU 2.8.2 although I’ve NEVER updated to 2.8.2 from 2.8.1… I’ve only ever used 2.8.1. So what’s that all about?
One issue solved – now for the other stuff…
Thanks for the beautiful help and info!!! I think I might be making headway… I will inform you all of all the Play-by-play incase anyone else is reading this with the same bizarre problem.
Put back all the plug-ins specifically for WPMU and everything is still running.
Haven’t attempted buddypress yet though, nor any of the plugins that run with buddypress.
Sounds like possibly this is related to BP plugin…. I would try installing buddypress with NO BP related plugins and then install them one by one to troubleshoot….. if you find one that causes white screen, then delete it via ftp and you should be able to undo white screen… let us know if you come up with anything……
OK – here’s where I’m at. *deep breath*
I’m kind of scared to install buddypress 1.0.3 fresh, which is probably the only way I should do it at this point since that last install totally went awry. Thing is… WPMU is working great right now – and bbPress is still working great too. Will a fresh install of 1.0.3 pick up where I left off? Or do I need specific files from 1.0.2 in order for all the friends lists to work in the bp? I’m terrified that if I do a fresh install that it won’t pick up all that information automatically. OR… is all that information stored in the database and not a file? If it’s stored in the database I should be good to go, right? Or will there be malfunctions with bbPress and will I need to input the required cookie codes in order for things to pick up again? Or will the database (if it’s all stored in there) just be intelligent and see it?
Just wondering if anyone has ever done this before and knows the answers. Sorry for all the questions, just scared the blogs will flame up again and cause even more user emails to me asking why this and that. LOL
Thank you thank you!!!
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_activity_install() (previously declared in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:27) in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php on line 101
Fatal Error after activating new install of Buddypress 1.0.3
The good stuff:
1. It sees all of the profiles.
2. It sees all of the friends.
3. It’s showing all the blogs recent activity.
The bad stuff:
4. The admin bar is missing when you click on someone’s profile and if you click to view a group. The admin bar is active everywhere else, including the backend of blogs.
5. Profile Wires and Forum Wires aren’t working anymore.
No buddypress plugins are active. Haven’t set any of them up yet. Just checking out the install. Not sure why wires aren’t working. hmm.
WPMU 2.8.2 + buddypress 1.0.3 + bbPress
On the wires of the profiles the Avatar is put in replace of the wire with an error message:
Warning: require_once(/home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/activity/activity-list.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-includes/theme.php on line 843
On the wires of the “groups” a huge avatar is plucked out of nowhere and I’m getting this message:
Warning: require_once(/home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/activity/activity-list.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-includes/theme.php on line 843
When you are installing Buddypress, the only plugin you want in your /plugins folder is buddypress itself. Nothing in /mu-plugins either. Your plugins which run on buddypress are causing this error.
I have a few plug-ins running, but without the admin back end working, I can’t deactivate them. Can I place them in a separate folder temporarily without causing even more havoc? i.e. welcome pack, monty spam, wp ban, limited log in attempts, askimet, etc.
Thanks Paul – I’m past that now – site is running but not fully functional and I’ve logged where I am currently in posts after this one.
Plugins have been turned off. Only buddypress is running.
All this stuff that was going wrong after the 1.0.3 auto install:
The bad stuff:
4. The admin bar is missing when you click on someone’s profile and if you click to view a group. The admin bar is active everywhere else, including the backend of blogs.
5. Profile Wires and Forum Wires aren’t working anymore.
No buddypress plugins are active. Haven’t set any of them up yet. Just checking out the install. Not sure why wires aren’t working. hmm.
WPMU 2.8.2 + buddypress 1.0.3 + bbPress
On the wires of the profiles the Avatar is put in replace of the wire with an error message:
Warning: require_once(/home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/activity/activity-list.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-includes/theme.php on line 843
On the wires of the “groups” a huge avatar is plucked out of nowhere and I’m getting this message:
Warning: require_once(/home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/activity/activity-list.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-includes/theme.php on line 843
This was all fixed by uploading my backup from 1.0.2 of the wp-content – bp-themes – bpmember
There were some files missing from the 1.0.3 auto install that was causing the wires not to work, and the admin bar not to show up in places.
Thanks to everyone for their very helpful tips!
I reactivated all of my plugins that were being used prior to the meltdown and all of them work, no white screen of death.
So – I’m really not sure what the problem was to begin with. Quite odd.