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URGENT!!! PLS HELP -> Add new users from admin

  • @benzine


    It seems that adding new users from adding is becoming a headache. All users created from admin panel don’t have the custom fields I created on the registration form!!! All I can see is the name and this is the only editable field available so far.

    So, my question is; how can I have users added from admin panel and when they log in and edit their profile, they have all the existing fields which they can fill out easily?

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  • @djpaul


    If you’ve added more BuddyPress profile fields, then it shouldn’t matter *how* a user account was created — they should appear for editing in the user’s profile.



    No, the custom profile fields don’t appear in the user’s profile page if they want to edit and add the extra info. That’s the issue. If I create a user from the front end, I have all the filled up fields but if created from dashboard from admin, I only have the name and this is the only field that I can see.

    I’m also experimenting another issue here. When a user creates his profile and doesn’t enter info for the non mandatory fields, he doesn’t have the blank fields again in his profile if he wants to fill them later. Only the fields which are marked “required” appear (those he has filled up). How can all the custom fields be present in his profile for later editing???

    A real headache right now and if you can help, this will be a real heal for my sore brain




    Can you help me on these pls? Or anyone?



    PLS anyone still?



    What profile field group are the new profile fields in? Did you create a new profile group, or are the new fields in the default profile group?



    Here is the story Paul. I run a normal buddypress install on my website If you go to the 2nd menu item in the main top nav (sorry it’s in French), you’ll see a list of users. The admin of the site did add a bunch of these users from the WP dashboard. But when a user is published in this section from buddypress, it doesn’t display the extra custom fields created nor does it carry the unfilled fields (for later editing) from the registration form which is here How can I synchronize all the fields and make them appear on these users profiles or when they edit their profile they still have the fields which were not mandatory but not filled still appear?

    Does this explanation makes sense to you or anyone there?



    I searched for this all day but still bumping around.



    Please hover on the 1st and 2nd user to see the difference. The 1st one was created from the dashboard “add user” while the second one had registered from the registration form. I can’t understand why those created from dashboard don’t have the custom fields in their profiles???



    If the fields are not filled in they don’t show. I’m not seeing this as broken.



    thanks for taking the time looking at my problem mate. No, indeed it’s not broken but I want to have the unfilled fields present in the user profile if they want to edit it later on. Also, what do you think about users created from dashboard but still only have the name field displayed in their public profile? While this is also the only existing field which this particular user can edit?



    When you add users in the admin the xprofile fields are not present for you to add info. I don’t think there is a way around this unless there is some filter to force all xprofile fields to be shown even if they are empty.

    When a user signs up on the front they have the fields shown to fill in. If they do not fill these in then they still wont be shown. It’s worth a possible trac enhancement ticket to include the xprofile fields in the user profile creation step in the WP admin. But even then if you do not fill in each field they will not be shown on a profile



    ouch how sad this is. I thought this was a possibility. But if this isn’t I have to find another way round. Thanks for your input mate. But if someone has a solution for this, I’l greatly appreciate to learn about it.
    Thanks a million



    I don’t know how you coded your hover card or how it’s getting the profile info but you could code it to show each profile field even if it’s not filled in. Don’t rely on the BP profile field loop. Directly get each field yourself.

    `bp_profile_field_data( ‘field=field_name_here’ );`





    Looking at the plugin’s code they are hiding fields with no value.



    I’m in despair for such a solution right now. So, I think it’s better to have all custom fields mandatory while members can decide whether to hide or show them in public such that they can edit any fields later if they want to. Also, re-register from front end all manually created profiles from dashboard. This is the most plausible solution to me at this time.

    Thanks for your time.




    I am searching another issue and see your issue and thought I may provide a solution because I ran into the same issue.  I couldn’t see any way to change or alter user profiles after entered.  I couldn’t see the fields which you think would be an easy thing, but highly annoying to learn that I couldn’t.  A solution…

    I am using the Gravity Forms plugin.  The problem is, the plugin is $50, but the only way to get their user registration add-on is to purchase the developer edition which is $200.  It works with Buddypress and User Registration very nicely.  You can go through your Gravity Form entries and make all of the edits to user profiles that you need.  I wish I knew of a less expensive solution, but Gravity Forms is a nice plugin and I’m sure you will find other uses for it on your site!




    I am searching another issue and see your issue and thought I may provide a solution because I ran into the same issue.  I couldn’t see any way to change or alter user profiles after entered.  I couldn’t see the fields which you think would be an easy thing, but highly annoying to learn that I couldn’t.  A solution…

    I am using the Gravity Forms plugin.  The problem is, the plugin is $50, but the only way to get their user registration add-on is to purchase the developer edition which is $200.  It works with Buddypress and User Registration very nicely.  You can go through your Gravity Form entries and make all of the edits to user profiles that you need.  I wish I knew of a less expensive solution, but Gravity Forms is a nice plugin and I’m sure you will find other uses for it on your site!

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