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Urgent request to buddypress org maintainers

  • @disha76


    Urgent request to buddypress org maintainers

    Please add a plugin filter in plugin page – plugins that work with WP 4.1 + BP 2.2 and later
    Please add a list of recommended responsive theme for buddypress that work with WP 4.1 + BP 2.2
    Please mention what versions of WP and BP bp org is running itself

    For future BP plugins please make a compulsory label (any one:)
    – will support this for all future versions of BP
    – may not support for future versions
    – just made this for persona/ personal-commercial project
    – just to scratch my itch

    There are more dead plugins than alive ones, and putting a label helps an user like us to choose what to choose – I agree no promises are break-proof but at least a label shows the intention.

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