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Use groups activity streams as comments

  • @telesemana



    I am not sure if this can be achieved easily. The ides is this. I would like to be able to place the activity streams from certain groups in certain posts, so the commenting system is actually the activity stream of that group.

    What I am thinking, without being a developer, is to create a shortcake I could place at the end of a post to call the activity stream, including the capability to add comments to logged in users, and then disable native comments for that post.

    is this possible?

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  • @danbp


    Hi @telesemana

    it’s certainly possible, but not without coding a lot.
    The posts are in the blog loop. The group activity is in the group loop.
    And groups are basically “members” grouped by affinity.
    And activity comments are not blog comments.

    So it’s not a 5 mn task and somewhere it’s like reinventing the wheel. You’d better close comments for a given post and link your readers to the related group, where they can comment the post activity (and not the post itself, like an ordinary post).



    Hi @danbp,

    Many thanks for your quick response. I have found this and I have asked the developer if the update box can be included.

    I know it sounds like reinventing the wheel. But imagine a situation where we have a series of posts covering a particular topic and a group discussing that same topic. Each blog post is like a long update about that topic and thus I think it would be useful to have the activity stream discussing that same topic at the bottom of each article. Another option would be to sync the comments from those posts so whatever is written on that post goes to a specific group and not the general activity stream. Does this make sense?



    It does, of course. But you haven’t to convience me. 😉 Another option could be to use BP Group Blog.



    Jaja, I was not trying to convince you just providing the use case. Many thanks for your quick responses.

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