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Use with young students

  • @bwsimmons



    I’m thinking about using buddypress in my school next year and I’m looking for some advice/answers on implementing in a secure way. I’ll do my best to clearly explain my thoughts….

    First, I need to be able to create the users myself – including passwords. Can someone suggest a plugin or way of doing this? I don’t want outside users registering at all!

    Second, is there a way for student created ‘site’ (blogs) to be shared with all other users? I would like Student A to be able to create a site and Student B can see it without any other steps.

    Third, is there a way of having their blogs integrated into the their profiles and the site activity? It would make life a lot simpler for them if they could post right from buddypress without having to open their site in a new tab – which is what happens now.

    Thanks for any insight you have!


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  • @djpaul


    1) Disable user registration in WordPress, and create user accounts manually via the wp-admin screens.

    2) This is default WordPress multisite behaviour.

    3) You will need some kind of front-end posting form for your theme(s).



    Thanks for the reply Paul.

    If the sharing of site is WordPress behaviour, why can’t ‘friends’ via BuddyPress see each others blogs? I would love it if my post went into the activity for all other users to view but that doesn’t seem to be happening.

    I feel like I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know enough to know what that might be.. :)




    Friends should. On these blogs — is the Privacy setting set to public or private? i.e. this screen

    They need to be public (‘allow search engines to index this site’) for it to be shared in activity.

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