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User Activity as default home page

  • @dopeboy


    I previously asked if it was possible to use one’s activity page as the default home page for each user, but you confirmed that it was impossible. Then I stumbled into Kleo theme which had the option to use buddypress activity as the default home page. It just goes straight to the activity page uniquely for each user. I was using it until the theme cause my site an 500 error.

    How did they make it happen of you guys cant do it. I have switched back to the default theme, users have to click buttons and scroll to their activity again.

    So again is this possible or not? It shouldn’t be that difficult.

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  • @venutius


    I’m confused, the users activity page is the default home page in BuddyPress. It goes to the personal activity page. I’m sorry if I or anyone else here gave you that impression. I recently wrote a thread which explained how to create a new combined activity page for the user and set that as the new default landing page. It’s slightly complex but very doable:

    how to combine activity tabs to one



    How do i achieve this? From my end here i am using a static page as my home page. i didn’t set it to latest posts, because i already tried and it was trying to show me blog posts. so how do i make that static page the activity page?



    Do you mean the sitewide activty page? wouldn’t you just select the Activity Page as the static home page?



    If I’m reading this right you want the users activity page to be the default home page for the site. I think the way to do this would be via a redirect after login. IS that what you are looking for?



    yes, that’s exactly what i am looking for. How do i achieve it? Thanks so much



    Hi there,

    I think there’s two functions you would be interested in. One to redirect the logged in user too their activity page when they view the homepage and one to redirect them to their activity page following login.

    Unfortunately I can’t seem to post the code, it must be some anti spam software playing up.



    Hi there, to get around the issue with posting your code I’ve added it to the bottom of my webpage BuddyPress Customisation Tips:

    you can find this page in the snippets section of



    it has an error in the 5th line of the code which made my site not load, it just displayed all white, no content, nothing. Just the address bar. Had to remove the code, can you review it thoroughly again?



    @dopeboy Please contact him directly.
    Please do not use these forums for private conversations.

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