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User message inbox issues

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  • shanebp


    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    Since you are using WP 5.0 beta, some issues are expected.

    To make the issue is not related to your theme, please try switching momentarily to a WP theme like 2016 and see if the issue persists.

    If it does not, then the issue is probably related to your theme.

    Otherwise, please provide this info:

    1. BuddyPress version
    2. which BP template pack you are using – see wp-admin > Settings > BuddyPress > Options
    3. any javascript errors in your browser’s console
    4. any errors in the php error log for your website

    As an admen of this web i can read my message inbox. But other user cant do.

    After de-activate plugin buddyextender 1.0.1
    My web message funtion solved.

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