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User Profile Color Picker

  • @nushara


    Hey everyone!

    Thank you so much for this great addon for wordpress and to all people supporting this!

    I am using Buddypress for a short amount of time now but I am in need to create a color picker for profiles (to let users pick their fav color to design their profile) and I have absolutely no clue how to do that.

    Does anyone have an idea how I could do that? I am not new to programming but very new to how wordpress work and specially buddypress. So some assistance would be great 🙂 We could also have a call or something.

    So right now I am using the latest WordPress, latest Buddypress and an addon called Youzer to have everything running.

    Would be great if someone could give me a hand on that 🙂 Thansk in advance!

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  • @nushara


    Ok so I have added xProfileFields now and was able to have a color picker in place.

    Can someone tell me, where and how I would have to load that hex value now, to make css changes to the users profile?

    Would be great if someone could get me on the right track 🙂

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