I can’t see why OS would make a difference.
Me either, Paul @djpaul. But it’s happening to all of our iPad and iPhone users. I’ve disabled all plugins (except BP) and same thing. They say say clicking on the upload button does nothing at all.
Uploads aren’t supported in browsers on those devices, afaik.
To get around that for avatars and galleries for apple users, we used the free version of this
Use of aurigma and similar apps has been discussed before on these forums – not sure how you can find them though.
Ah. Mac is different from iPad and iPhone. Yes, you can’t upload from iOS devices.
Ah silly me. I should have specified iPad and iPhone from the get-go. Thanks @shanebp and @djpaul Paul. Really appreciate the help. 
I got an iOS app in the works to upload images to BuddyPress maybe ill put in an avatar option 
@shanebp I’m working on using Aurigma Up on our private site for the change-avatar.php file. If you don’t mind me asking you:
1. How did you handle ‘uploadUrl’ request? Did you send it to an upload file and process it there? Or did it bring it back to the change-avatar.php file?
2. Then when you redirected it back to change-avatar, how did you get image processed?
Thanks for your help. Once I get it working, I’ll writing it so everyone can see how to do it.
For iOS avatar uploads, I sent them to a separate mobile screen on which I did this:
<a id="applink1" href="aurup:?uploadUrl=/mobile-apple-avatar-process&redirectUrl=&redirectDelay=5&uploadTimeOut=10&licenseKey=1234&fields=id%3D%3Bmnonce%3D”>
Upload Avatar Photo
And ‘mobile-apple-avatar-process’ is a WP page that calls
locate_template( array( ‘photo-process/mobile-apple-avatar-process.php’ ), true );
And ‘photo-process’ is a dir in my mobile theme.
In ‘mobile-apple-avatar-process.php’ I use a non-WP approach to creating the full and thumb images because for images uploaded on iOS, you need to check orientation (rotation) via exif_read_data. And I did a crude ‘auto-crop’.
So the user should never see the ”mobile-apple-avatar-process’ page.
And they are then sent to the value of redirectUrl in the href above.
And that screen should show them any bp_core_add_message values you created in ‘mobile-apple-avatar-process.php’
It’s awkward, but it works.