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Users Login Question

  • @mtraps


    Hello, first time using buddy press… I have a fairly basic question. When a user registers for an account and logs in to your site is he/she using the wordpress backend? or does buddy press come with a page wheres users can create a new blog post, add the images etc. I know for sure I don’t want users to see the wordpress admin panel.

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  • @mcuk


    I think by default user can see the admin panel, but custom code can be used to prevent anyone but admin from using it (that’s the route I’ve taken).

    (Can’t answer the blog post/images bit as I’m not allowing users to do that)



    Thanks for the reply. Yeah I found a Front end buddy press plugin that seems to work. Just have to figure our how to display all the blog posts on the activity feed instead of things like “Joe created an account” or small updates like such.

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