Exactly what do you mean by “verify”? How are you going to guarantee that the user gets it right? Just checking that it’s a well-formatted email address?
I want to check the email enter by the user is good with two email fields. If the second field is different than the first, a warning is display to the user and he can correct his mistake before create an account.
I don’t know off the top of my head of a good plugin that does this, but I did find some helpful (if wordy) tutorials on writing some jQuery that will make it work: http://theadhamian.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/jquery-validation-part-2-using-jquery-validation-plugin/
this should be a standard-feature at any website after all.
There are 2 Password-Boxes in BP, and I agree there should be also 2 e-mail-boxes so that the user gets his e-mail-address entered correctly.
It would be even more important to have 2 “e-mail-boxes” than 2 Password-boxes at the Sign-up page.
Because the user is anyway able to change his password when he forgets about it.
But having the user entering his e-mail-address wrong (like having a typo), then this user will never return to the website again.
Hope to see this implemented in BP.
Yes I agree a second email field to confirm is pretty standard
Would be great to see this implemented
I did this only using default theme hooks. I just need to find that code and I’ll post it.