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Very Slow Server Response With BuddyPress

  • bbakersmith


    I just installed WordPress 2.9.2 and BuddyPress 1.2.2 on a fresh VPS. Everything is working fine except that when BuddyPress is enabled the page is extremely slow to load (not so with just WordPress).

    I have attempted to diagnose the problem with Firebug, and have found that there is a 7 – 15 second wait time after the first load request is sent and when my browser finally receives a response. I have not encountered any errors, and everything loads in a reasonable amount of time after that point (another 5 seconds or so).

    Non-Wordpress pages and WordPress pages with BuddyPress disabled load quickly (7 seconds or less in total).

    Has anyone else encountered this? I found a single thread with a google search, but the suggested fixes did not solve my problems. I don’t believe this to be a lack of RAM issue.

    Please help!



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  • r-a-y


    This guide on improving performance may help:

    Yeah, that article will help — I love eAccelerator. I also recommend you install this WordPress plugin: (read the settings but you at least want “Database Caching” enabled.

    That doesn’t seem right, there must be something going wrong somewhere. What does the page generation time say in the page footer?



    I get a slow response as well after upgrading to 1.2. @Andy, this is what is generated on my site:

    <!– Generated in 2.477 seconds. –>

    I’m on a dedicated server with 8GB of RAM.

    Strange, 1.2 is significantly faster than previous versions, less than half the DB hits.



    If running on VPS, you should at least need 512mb of RAM in order to run wordpress/buddypress smoothly. But that’s just from my experince running wpmu/buddypress on a VPS.

    OP probably time to run through your server logs?

    I had issues on one server yesterday morning same sort of thing as you, however it had nothing to do with BP or my server but everything to do with packet loss/ and route to my server across the net . What do pings and tracert show?



    Thanks for all the responses! The improving performance guide cut down the load times a bit, but ultimately it ended up being a memory problem. I upgraded from 128 MB to 192 MB and rebooted the VPS, now my initial wait times are down to around 1 second.

    Did you run the ‘top’ command before upgrading just to see what resources were possibly hogging cpu and mem

    I would have probably rebooted the VPS first as that can free things up, however 128MB main memory is a small amount to try and run WP/BP in I would try and get it up a bit further than you have to be safe especially if the site gets busy.

    Using eAccellerator or XCache is highly recommended as it can reduce the memory footprint 20-30x.



    I am using memcache along with a caching plugin and my buddypress install still seems slower than before. Especially when you are logged in.

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