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Video: BuddyPress 1.7 Overview

  • @modemlooper


    Core developer Boone gives an overview of BuddyPress 1.7


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  • @ubernaut


    nice one thanks for sharing!



    Thank you modemlooper.



    I installed trunk and have been having a blast with it. It is not immediately obvious that you have to install BBPress. Maybe put something in the setup wizard about recommending the install?
    Other than that, havent found any bugs except activating accounts doesnt seem to work. I had to WP Activate Users to manually activate my userbase



    Thanks for posting the video. As a new user to Buddypress, it definitely helped give me a better understanding.

    I’ve been working with the trunk as well, currently working on a genesis child theme with buddypress and so far so good.

    I’ve found a few small bugs and I’ll report them when it goes to beta if they’re still around.

    Thanks for the great work!



    great video! one thing that I’m not clear on is caching. why can’t buddypress use a caching plugin like say, W3’s Total Cache?

    can someone please break this down for me?






    I’ve installed trunk too and was under the impression it’d work out of the box with any theme but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Is still something you’re working on?



    you can use cache plugins but they are only for posts/pages. You would have to add code to bust the cache when BP content is updated.

    In other words, plugin developers have not added BuddyPress support



    I wonder if any one has done anything with the courseware module with the 1.7 testing yet.




    I am a rookie and I use buddypress when you guys completed everything and this time I wanted to join you by uploading trunk but I was unsuccessful it failed and got this messege: Warning: require(/home/mpendeji/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress//bp-core/bp-core-wpabstraction.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mpendeji/public_html/wp-content/plugins/trunk/bp-loader.php on line 393



    @mamadavie change folder trunk to buddypress



    Thanks for sharing.



    Oooops!!! at last got it,thanks



    I did test to move my 1.6 to 1.7 but the group-avatar do not show up at all.. So I reverse back to 1.6.



    Omg BP 1.7 = EPIC! Im testing the trunk right now.
    You have all done an EPIC job!



    a trunk install with my favourite wp theme all went well!!! I really like the new experiece we have a wider choice.
    Thanks to all for your hard work.



    Never used BB or BuddyPress before.

    Installing for a client with S2Member and MU.

    Is S2member a good plugin for paid listings in BuddyPress and charging for Sub Sites?

    Can’t get the forums working as well.

    Do i need to add the shortcodes and change a slug?

    Not sure which links to add to the menu as i know you can create forums under that tag but also create page named forums.




    Is there an ETA on 1.7?

    I’m waiting for its release to do a major upgrade on both WordPress and BuddyPress all at once …



    You can download the beta from the blog link above, it’s pretty solid. No direct ETA as it depends on bugs found.



    Thanks – I’d like to not use a beta version, waiting for the release.



    @modemlooper I have installed the Buddypress 1.7. Before I installed it, I was having problem with sending Private Message, so I was hoping it will be resolved. However, the problem still persist. When my users and I send a Private Message, it indicate message: No data received…..Unable to load the web page because the server sent no data. Yet the user receives it. I have deactivated all my plugins except buddypress still I encounter the same problem. I change my theme to bp-default theme, yet the problem still persist. I even uploaded a non-buddypress to take advantage of the 1.7 feature but the problem still persist.

    I am at my wits’ end here. Please can you help or suggest an approach for me.




    Two very important things as I am testing 1.7 but not finding

    1 . How do I let a site member block another site member from posting to him/ seeing her profile and activities?

    2. How do a site member makes her blog post / photo viewable to a friend/friends only?

    3. How to post comment to a blog post from activity ( see ?



    It’s good to see some marketing around buddypress 1.7 going on. 🙂



    @ronia I believe plugins provide those features



    @ronia The only privacy BuddyPress provides out of the box it profile field visibility. Google around for other privacy options.



    Just installed 1.7 on my site and I cannot see a single difference.

    I appreciate there is the “any theme works”, which is major and the depreciation of the group forums. I can’t see anything else?

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