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Want to retain site home page

  • @ncarring



    Just installed BuddyPress and have a question. We have bbPress for forums and wanted PM capability for which the best option seemed to be BuddyPress. I don’t really want a social media feel to the site – it’s a club site with a number of features – events, forums and some static information.

    Normally the home page displays “latest posts” which is used for management updates etc. It’s important not to lose this, but as soon as I activate BuddyPress, the home page disappears and is replaced by the “Members” page. I’ve tried disabling “enable default front page for member profiles” but this has no effect. If I disassociate the “members” page in BuddyPress settings, the home page returns, but member profiles become inaccessible (404 error). Is there a way to have the standard home page but allow access to the member’s profile via another link in the menu somewhere (and by clicking the link under a member avatar)?

    Many thanks


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  • @stevekeller


    Thanks for confirming what I guess is standard protocol for BuddyPress, the taking over of a site home page. I was curious about the BP page designations that just appeared, and not through the std. WordPress “Add New” avenue. I deactivated until I understand it better.

    Did you find a good step-by-step guide for the install, or am I overthinking this?

    Steve Keller



    BP does not take over the home page by default.
    Some other code or setting is doing that.

    Go to
    and check the settings for Your homepage displays



    Hey Shane,
    Seems like the Orig. Poster had a similar experience, yet you guys didn’t answer his questions… Here, for convenience…

    “as soon as I activate BuddyPress, the home page disappears and is replaced by the “Members” page. I’ve tried disabling “enable default front page for member profiles” but this has no effect. If I disassociate the “members” page in BuddyPress settings, the home page returns, but member profiles become inaccessible (404 error). Is there a way to have the standard home page but allow access to the member’s profile via another link in the menu somewhere (and by clicking the link under a member avatar)?”

    Thanks, Steve



    Again – that is not the default BP behavior.
    And I have never seen that behavior, and cannot duplicate it and do not know why it is happening.

    To add a link to the BP profile for the logged-in user, go to Appearance > Menus and add a link.
    The url for that link is:
    The me means that it will redirect to the user’s profile page.



    I wonder if this is because of our site folder structure. The domain is: – this redirects to a public site that provides non-members with some useful information. The members-only part of the site is:

    This is where WordPress is installed, so WordPress displays whatever you configure it to there – either the “posts” page, or a static page.

    Coincidentally, BuddyPress also uses “Members” as its default. Can I somehow configure BuddyPress to use some other name in case the two are getting confused? I see that I can pick the “Members” page association from a list (see image), but the name of the page is pre-determined. Can it be changed? Is this likely to be the source of the issue, anyway? Without changing the folder structure (which would cause all kinds of other issues with orphan links no doubt) I can’t see how to test it any other way.

    BP settings



    > Is this likely to be the source of the issue,


    To change the slug for the members page, just edit the page you have assigned to members.
    Change the slug for that page. You should see it on the right side, under Permalink



    Sorted, thanks. “members” renamed to “memberlist”. The page is still called “Members” which is how BP installed it. And I will add the “me” link to the menu too.



    Right on!! I am testing out BB Press, but good to know the role of permalinks. Nick…could you do a couple of screenshots to clarify what you did?

    Glad you got an answer. As Ahhnold would say…”I’lll be backkk?”

    Best, Steve


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