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Warning when uploading cover photo/profile crop issues

  • @julietalayne


    I have a fresh install of WordPress running WordPress 4.8.2.

    Running Thrive theme with the following plugins active:

    Akismet Anti-spam
    BuddyPress Docs
    BuddyPress Global Search
    Menu Icons
    One Click Demo Import
    rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress
    Slider Revolution
    The Events Calendar
    Transcoder (for rtMedia)
    Visual Form Builder
    WPBakery Visual Composer

    I am on shared hosting with the following:
    Apache Version 2.2.31
    PHP Version 5.5.36
    MySQL Version 5.5.50-38.0-log
    Architecture x86_64
    Operating System linux

    I’m using Chrome to work on the site and test it.

    I’m familiar enough with PHP and css and such to find solutions to most issues, but this has me positively confounded.

    First, when I try to upload a profile picture if I have my monitor set at full screen (it’s a large monitor)–it will come up with the pink box and say “There was a problem cropping your profile photo”

    If I minimize my browser, just click the button and make it smaller the image will crop and upload with no issues.

    What?! I’m perplexed. I can’t make it do any different, no settings I can find will change the behavior.

    Then when I tried to upload a cover image, it loads the image to the placement page, but across the top there’s a huge error:

    Warning: transliterator_transliterate(): Could not create transliterator with ID “Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [\u0080-\u7fff] remove” (transliterator_create: unable to open ICU transliterator with id “Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [\u0080-\u7fff] remove”: U_INVALID_ID) in /home/******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/classes/class-bp-attachment.php on line 292

    The code is this:

    public function sanitize_utf8_filename( $retval ) {
    		// PHP 5.4+ or with PECL intl 2.0+
    		if ( function_exists( 'transliterator_transliterate' ) && seems_utf8( $retval ) ) {
    			$retval = transliterator_transliterate( 'Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [\u0080-\u7fff] remove', $retval );
    		// Older.
    		} else {
    			// Use WP's built-in function to convert accents to their ASCII equivalent.
    			$retval = remove_accents( $retval );
    			// Still here? use iconv().
    			if ( function_exists( 'iconv' ) && seems_utf8( $retval ) ) {
    				$retval = iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $retval );

    And the specific line in the error is this one:

    $retval = transliterator_transliterate( 'Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [\u0080-\u7fff] remove', $retval );

    The name of the file I am uploading is “header.png”. I tested it with a .jpg file as well. Same error. It will allow me to set the area on the image and it will upload it to the cover, but I wondered if the issues I’m having with images could be related so I didn’t want to leave them out.

    Also, this is the SECOND installation with the same issue. I thought that maybe the first install had become corrupted or something so to eliminate the possibility that I was dealing with a database error or something I deleted the entire install and did a complete reinstall into a different database (however, if it is important I was using the Softaculous Apps Installer inside of my Cpanel, not manually installing, but if that makes a difference, I am happy to try a manual install, as I am capable and willing to do anything to resolve this issue because it’s driving me insane.

    The error with the cover photo happens no matter what theme I am using, and the profile picture issue happens only with the Thrive theme. I am in contact with the theme author about it, but wanted to share that info here just in case it was somehow relevant.

    Any insight into what this issue could be? Sorry for so much info haha but if you need anything I haven’t supplied to give me some clue I’ll be sure to provide it!

    Thank you kindly,

    The site deals with teenagers and is a closed community so I would prefer to not publicly post the url, but I would be happy to provide it privately if it would help someone to trouble shoot. Thanks!

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  • @julietalayne


    After further troubleshooting, I feel fairly certain that this issue is a Theme problem, in particular an issue with a plugin distributed with the them “Gears”

    I am working with the theme author on resolving it!



    Thanks for updating your support post (the original post was nice and thorough, too) with a follow-up. Best of luck getting it resolved.


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