Weird BBPress forum issue
I have been getting reports of various accounts not being able to create posts in group forums. The really funny part is that if that same user creates a new group, the forum is created, but they can’t make any posts to it. Is there something I am missing here???
I am also using the LDAP plugin.
Any ideas?
Sounds like a user switching/authentication problem. When bp talks to bbpress it uses xmlrpc and then uses the logged in (in bp) user’s credentials to work in bbpress. Only for creating posts and topics. Creation of forums and reading topics, posts goes under the utility user that gets setup in config.
Do you have the var: $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; declared in bb-config.php? If somehow bp/mu is confused about the var: $current_user->user_login then it will have problems authenticating your normal users on the bbpress side.
Don’t use the LDAP plugin and don’t know what the implications for authentication are in xmlrpc. This does sound like it’s related to that. Your users can’t authenticate on the bbpress side so, failure.
That may be the issue. I don’t think the password is stored in WPMU since it is done in the LDAP plugin. The funny thing is that other accounts that have authenticated via LDAP are able to post topics in the forum. It is only a recent problem.
I do have the allow user switching added to the config as well.
Should the user be able to login to BBpress directly from the forum main page? That may be the disconnect. I noticed that in the admin panel for bbpress, the user is listed but I cannot login to the bbpress site as that user.
Would having all the blogs be private have anything to do with this?
Here is the other funny thing: When a new person logs in, they are also added properly to BBpress. So wouldn’t that indicate that xmlrpc is working?
OK. Trying to sort out the issues here.
We got what I think we should try and solve first and that may make the rest of the issues go away.
Users in wp can’t login to bbpress. If you have user integration configured correctly then that can’t happen. When wp and bbpress share the same user table, which is what user integration is, then bbpress’s users ARE wp users. Same user table and passwords.
Do you have wp/bbpress user integration?
It’s possible to create a standalone wp and standalone bbpress. Create the utility user for group forums on both sides and be able create forums through bp group forums. Never thought of it before but you can. Without user integration it would explain the symptoms you are experiencing.
Take two asprins, install bbpress with wp user integration and call me in the morning.
I do have all the users listed in bbPress. In fact from the admin panel in bbPRess, if I delete a user, they disappear from WPMU. I kinda thought that if I was to delete the troubled user in bbPress that maybe the account would be recreated and all would be well. It actualy deleted them from WPMU – Thank God for SnapShots on the VM. When I say one troubled user, I mean the one who reported the issue. I tried other accounts and had the same issues with writing forum posts.
Should I just delete the bbPress install and try it again? Then I could just have the groups recreate the forums? We are just getting started, so it should not be an issue.
POssibly the reason for the users not being able to login to bbPress is because the passwords for the accounts are actually stored in LDAP where the authentication occurs on the WPMU side? There is a password in the WPMU database, but I think it may just be a generic type that is not used and generated by the plugin. Could this be the issue and if so, how might I work through it?
Got me. I don’t use the LDAP plugin so I’m not sure of the implications involved in using it. I’ll leave this topic open. Perhaps somebody else who actually uses that plugin can help.
Do I only need to setup bbPress with database sharing? Or do I need to setup the cookies as well? I think I have both setup properly. It did work for a short period. Then when new users started signing up it broke.
OK. I did a fresh install and only added Database Integration. Actually I did it both ways with cookies as well as with only database integration. On both I get this setup errors…
>>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt not set.
>>>>>> Could not fetch “auth” cookie salt from the WordPress options table.
>>>>>> You will need to manually define the “auth” cookie salt in your database.
>>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt not set.
>>>>>> Could not fetch “logged in” cookie salt from the WordPress options table.
>>>>>> You will need to manually define the “logged in” cookie salt in your database.
The problem is that these are not defined in the database to my knowledge. I think the ldap plugin takes these out? Any suggestions on how I could integrate the forums with the LDAP WPMU Plugin??
OK. I had been looking into the LDAP issue and apparently it does work. In the LDAP plugin forum, I saw that Josswinn (Member here) was also looking into this and he was able to get it to work. Hopefully he will check out my posting once he gets my email.
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