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Welcome Pack update request

  • @takuya


    Welcome Pack is a wonderful plugin, but it’s not yet compatible to r1324.

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  • @djpaul


    @Enlightenmental1 Once you have BP RC2 working *properly*, let me know and i’ll send you the link






    PHP 5, WPMU 2.7.1, BP RC2



    Don’t know. Works for me. Waitingto see what enlightenmental reports.



    Works for me!

    couple questions:

    when using fbconnect to regiser, the welcome pack is bypassed

    any thoughts?

    and the default message is super-cool, how long til that’s complete?



    Thanks dude. As I posted in the fbc thread, it does not work properly with wpmu therefore welcome pack won’t work with it. I’ll release the build of welcome pack you are testing in a couple of hours.



    To clarify the default message should be working now. What I specifically want feedback on is whether it sends an email alerting that user that they have a PM (ie like any other message)



    Version 1.11 should appear on the WordPress Plugin Repository within the hour. This is an interim release for further testing. Version 1.2 will come out when BuddyPress v1.0 is final



    DJPaul, sorry I couldn’t help. This is running on my 3rd BP domain/server, which get’s the littlest attention to it. Very likely that is the cause. I use it for alpha testing. My beta server will be upgraded when 1.0 comes out. If all goes well, I’ll push it to the production server. I’ll provide more feedback when my beta environment gets updated. Sounds like it is going well!



    Welcome Pack v1.2 coming in an hour or so. Bug fixes. Big thanks to BeLogical for his help with this one.



    @DJPaul — great plugin. I just posted this little enhancement idea to the WordPress forums:

    Just updated to Welcome Pack 2.0 and in the admin there is no “save settings button” on the “Friends, Groups & Welcome Message” tab. It also takes forever to load. I received a memory exhausted error the first time I went to the settings page and the admin js didn’t work. I deleted and reinstall and the errors went away but the other issues are still there. I have over 3,000 users, I don’t know if that’s the issue or not.

    Just updated to Welcome Pack 2.0 and in the admin there is no “save settings button” on the “Friends, Groups & Welcome Message” tab. It also takes forever to load. I received a memory exhausted error the first time I went to the settings page and the admin js didn’t work. I deleted and reinstall and the errors went away but the other issues are still there. I have over 3,000 users, I don’t know if that’s the issue or not.



    Well, the save button’s at the bottom of the middle column. Likewise, the group and member lists will iterate to a maximum of 10,000 times (it will list up to that many items) because people keep telling me they had thousands of users and that they needed more of them listed. That uses the regular BP loops so that might be causing your problem.

    Dennis, take a look in line 126 of welcome-pack-admin.php – change the per_page=10000 to something like per_page=100 and we can quickly find out if this is the problem you’re having. FYI, the previous version went up to 1000. Perhaps adding a zero wasn’t the best idea to solve the problem for everyone :p



    Well, the save button’s at the bottom of the middle column. Likewise, the group and member lists will iterate to a maximum of 10,000 times (it will list up to that many items) because people keep telling me they had thousands of users and that they needed more of them listed. That uses the regular BP loops so that might be causing your problem.

    Dennis, take a look in line 126 of welcome-pack-admin.php – change the per_page=10000 to something like per_page=100 and we can quickly find out if this is the problem you’re having. FYI, the previous version went up to 1000. Perhaps adding a zero wasn’t the best idea to solve the problem for everyone :p

    Bringing it down to 100 (same with 1000) fixes the button issue, but it still breaks the admin js it still takes a long time to load.



    How much RAM etc do you have on your server? Lots? Do you know if your PHP memory limit is 32mb or what? I can understand this issue but can’t understand why you are having problems with the javascript loading with even 100 names in the dropdown.

    Can you run something like YSlow! on Firefox and see what file or request is taking a long time to load?

    I updated to the latest version and still have the same issues.

    I need to check on the RAM, but it should be enough. I have PHP memory limit set to 96mb

    I recvie the following error i FB:

    jq is not defined

    [Break on this error] jq(‘.if-js-closed’).removeClass(‘if-js-closed’).addClass(‘closed’);

    /wp-content/plugins/welcome-pack/includes/js/admin.js?ver=2.9.2 (line 3)


    <div class="settingvalue">

    <select multiple="multiple" name="welcomepack[friends][ " style="overflow-y: hidden">

    It is giving 1794 options (users) before it breaks.

    Same issue with 2.0.2 :(



    Hey Paul,

    I just installed your latest Welcome-Pack-Plugin.
    It looks like it is being installed automatically as “Side-Wide”, but not sure if this plugin should be installed Side-Wide or just for my main-Blog.

    Is there a difference on how to install it or is it only working when being “Side Wide” ?
    Sorry, but am not an expert on Plugin installs……

    Many thanks,



    @Erich73 On WPMU, the user database is shared between all sites. The user registration is executed on the main blog. In Welcome Pack’s case, there’s not a lot of difference therefore if it runs sitewide or on a per-blog basis, so I set it to run sitewide just in case there is some unusual way that WordPress user accounts can be added.



    @dennis_h The “jq” variable was added in BuddyPress 1.2.3. Not being on the latest BuddyPress would give you that error. What version are you running?

    Version 1.2.3



    Hello Paul, just installed the plugin and it’s a great addition to BP so first off, thanks very much for the hard work on this and all the other BP work that you do. I’m running WP 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.4 and have a quick question for you. My new users are receiving the welcome message that I have configured but the subject and from user information is displayed in the body of the email along w/ the welcome message. I was expecting the email to be from the specific user I chose and the subject of the email to be from the “…with this subject” field but it was not. The email is from: <noreply and the subject of my email is: [Name of Blog] New message from Member User Name. Is this how it is supposed to be working? If so, I apologize for this message. Thanks very much for your time.

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