What are you doing for Spam
I won http://www.blogengage.com
The biggest issue I have is spam!
Any suggestions for registration, comments, creating blogs, and posting regarding spam prevention?
Any mods would be greatly appreciated
So I’m getting spammed now from East Indians! What’s new! Anything we can do to stop this?
Can I approve blogs before they are allowed?
I’ve written the bpdev-nospam, that is included in bpdev plugins http://bp-dev.org/download
it’s not complete, but it filters spams account, and wire content.
I’m not able to find it. Download contains only following:
Core 0.3b
Admin 0.3b
AutoSuggest 0.3b
Search 0.3b
Theme 0.3b
Widgets 0.3b
Flickr 0.3b
YouTube 0.3b
Group Extra 0.3b
TinyMCE 0.3b
Does Aksimet not work with WPMU?
don’t worry
BPDEV NoSpam is included
i’ve to update the site asap
I had an idea of another way to combat the constant comment spam and registrations from bots, though I don\’t know if it would work.
As the bots don\’t read the page like humans do, they just search for and find the forums to fill in, brings up an interesting idea.
What about using \’hidden\’ fields that are not displayed on the screen itself.
The idea being that if data is input into the field it could not possibly be a human, so we then know to \’not activate\’ or error out the comment/registration etc…
The ‘auto spam bot programs’ that I have come across all look for specific fields etc. We could do something like name the hidden field ‘password’ etc, so the bot thinks it’s legit, but it’s not.
Does anyone know if the bots are \’smart enough\’ to figure this out and get around it?
I had a problem with spam without reCaptcha
reCaptcha kills spam bots and I have no more spam.
Good luck
reCaptcha is best bet!
or maybe BPDEV from nicola
wpmudev has an anti spam plugin for signup form. Also Donncha has another plugin for wpmu and comments.
@anointed that’s what wp_nonce does
i suggest to use bpdev nospam (it include the captcha of wpmudev integrated with bp)
when is your no-spam plugin scheduled to be complete?
Im currently using wp-captcha, but would like to beef-up my spam protection
it works now, it will be complete asap
is it complete? can we have an update? I’m cleaning my site often! The bots are bad!
is this ready for the new version of buddy press?
Hey thanks again Ray
This spam is a serious issue isn’t it?
I get the same crap on my pligg website! Spam after spam!
So it’s not only a buddy press thing.
Thanks for the link.
Changing the register slug so far looks very effective in my installations. Could that be built into the core somehow?
I don’t see this register slug inside the wp-config.
What exactly am I looking for.
I could not find:
define( ‘BP_REGISTER_SLUG’, ‘yourregisterslug’ );
Also if it change the register page location do I have to create new files so it actually exists?
@Bbrian017, you have to add that line to wp-config.php yourself + a few other things. It’s explained here.
It’s a bit of a hack, so I think it would be good if it became part of the basic setup, maybe at installation (wpmu).
I had to close registration the spam is so bad. I’m assuming the person that is spamming our websites is someone within the community here at buddy press.
As soon as I made a rude comment about the developers ignoring spam issues I got hit by spam like never before.
There’s really no need to make unfounded accusations like that.
Yes perhaps that’s true but let’s not ignore the obvious. Who better to write spam software for buddy press then a buddy press developer.
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