Also, I don’t know if this is related or not, but when I installed bp, and went to my subdomain to activate it, bp ended up activating systemwide just like it would if it were in the mu-plugins directory.
This means that it shows active for all the blogs. If I go into any other blog and deactivate bp, it deactivates systemwide.
The problem with this, is how do I only activate bp on the blogs I want it on?
Many of my blogs are not going to want to use bp, so I have to have control over who gets it and who does not.
Hi Anointed, I was just working around my own bp install. I wanted to display the BP themes within subdomain community. I had community an id of 4. In the buddpress plugin (not the wp-config.php) look for bp-core.php, and change (not add) the “1” in the
define( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', 1 );
to 4. That worked for me so far, I guess. I’m not actually sure if I’m doing exactly the right thing. This thing is not included in the codex, I hope they do document this if this the only tweak you have to make. Likewise, in the forums, it appears there was no definite answer. Hope I helped.
Or at least maybe in the next version, include this option in the BuddyPress General Settings.
@Deuts — Thank you, took 2 seconds and the problem is solved. I have no idea why all the mods here just ignored my threads, but at least you were kind enough to point me in the right direction.
@mods— you should update the install directions on
IT says to do it in wp-config not bp-core…. that one ‘misstatement’ cost me so many hours of wasted time that I was about to dump bp altogether and go back to elgg…
Now at least I can start working on bp.
thanks again
We didn’t ignore your threads, they were caught in Akismet and marked as spam.
@anointed, can you try adding that line into “wp-plugins/bp-custom.php” ?
It should work in wp-config.php or any other file that loads before BuddyPress does. The goal obviously is not to modify a file that’s replaced by core updates, so wp-config.php or bp-custom.php is safer than bp-core.php.
The code…
/* Define on which blog ID BuddyPress should run */
if ( !defined( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG' ) )
define( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', 1 );
Checks to see if BP_ROOT_BLOG was defined by any other file previous to BuddyPress loading, which is done inside the “plugins_loaded” hook which is in wp-settings.php, which is loaded after wp-config.php.
PM me again if your topics are marked as spam, and I can open them back up.
Plus we have real life – we aren’t paid for helping on this forum – and that of course takes priority for our time.
@ John James Jacoby, the code you provided I put on bp-custom.php under /wp-content/plugins/ directory (not ‘wp-plugins’), and it seemed to work fine. However, when putting the code at wp-config.php, it doesn’t work.
Thanks for the suggestion, at least I don’t have to always edit the bp-core.php everytime I upgrade my buddypress installation.