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What's the point of friending someone using Buddypress?

  • @djmosoul


    On other social networks, you can’t see a person’s profile information and/or message them if you’re not friends with them. But here, you can do everything except write on someone’s wall (if that’s activated in admin panel).

    Has anyone built any privacy tools or anything? Or was the friending ever going to be expanded into something else.

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  • @djpaul


    Privacy controls and more information about relationships between members are something that will come in future; the roadmap is worth a read to get the feel for these things.

    Of course, things will get done in some order and in some time depending on what Andy Peatling (the only BuddyPress developer) decides to work on, unless someone contributes. A chap called jeffsayre is working on privacy features currently – hopefully that’ll work as well as he’s making it sound ;)



    At the moment the main reason is so you can follow your friends activity via the friend feed.

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