You can find this on the trac site…
sorry not 1.3, but the milestones, etc.
I don’t think there is a firm date , there are quite a few Trac tickets to work through and the speed those get resolved at and are tested by community members will tend to dictate the release date; I wouldn’t have thought for a good six weeks yet? but I may be wide of the mark on that. One of the core dev team or mods may have a better idea.
I am purely speculating at this point but I would expect that BP 1.3 will not be out for at least 2 or 3 months. You can track its progress in Trac, as @pisanojm suggested. Notice that a target-release date has not yet been assigned.
thank you so such swift reply
As I see on the trac site there are 97 % finished … how long does it take for the last 3 % ? It seems to be 4 months behind ETA …
The three core devs are working as much as time allows them, and others are helping where possible to test and feedback, create patches where needed.
1.3 should be approaching a RC stage pretty soon hopefully, but the core devs will be able to give a better estimate of that time.
The date on milestone we have to set to something. It’s not indicative of any real target. Having said that, being one of those 3 aforementioned developers, we would have liked to have had it out sooner
We’re aiming for a beta or release candidate this month.
Cool, THX Paul and hnla … I just wondered – there should be no blame